Name :Gordon Joyes

Curriculum Vitae

School of Education And Institute for Research into Learning and Teaching in Higher Education, University of Nottingham
Telephone No./EmailAddress                                                                                      
+44 (0) 115 846 7202 (int 67202)
Areas of Professional Interest                                                                                      
E-learning, Science Education, Teacher Education Information Communications Technology and Education
Academic Qualifications                                                                                             
  1. PhD, University of Nottingham Title: Problems in   the learning of Physics, development in the control of variables, 1982
  2. B.Ed 1st Class Hons in Science Education,   University   of Nottingham 1974
  3. Certificate of Education, University of Nottingham 1973
Positions in Professional Organisations                                                                    
  1. Reviewer, Association of Learning Technologies Journal, 2002- 2007
  2. Reviewer, Open University Press, 2004- 2007
  3. Editorial Board, International Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, 2004- 2007
  4. Associate Editor, International Journal of Technology, Knowledge and Society, 2005 - 2007
  5. eChina-UK disseminator:  Review Board, 2003- 2007
  6. Re-usable learning objects CETL Steering Group led by London Metropolitan University, 2004- 2007
  7. Networked Learning conference editorial review panel, 2004- 2007
  8. Invited steering group member of the CETL ‘Reusable Learning Objects’ led by London Metropolitan University, 2005-2007
Courses Taught                                                                                                             
  1. Associate Professor in e-learning in IRLTHE post graduate level
  2. Taught doctorate in Teacher Education (Contexts for Teacher Education and Philosophy of Educational Research Methods modules)
  3. Masters in Educational Research Methods (teach the online component of the ESRC recognised Masters in Education)
  4. Masters in Information Communications Technology and Education
  5. PGCHE teaching and assessment
Supervision Record                                                                                                       
  1. CPD of teachers in Technology enhanced schools in Malaysia (PhD), Fariza Khalid, (2008 to submit 2011)
  2. Research into student perspectives of visual design, (PhD), Zaleha Abdulla, (2008 to submit 2011)
  3. Integration of online learning in Higher Education in Malaysia, Fadzli Utm (PhD), (2007 to submit 2010)
  4. Inclusion and online learning in higher education, Sarah Moore, (PhD),(2006 to submit 2009)
  5. Student engagement in an online global science classroom, Venus Olla (PhD), (2006 to submit 2010)
  6. Online collaborative group work in a post 16 chemistry curriculum, Sharon Role (PhD), (2005 to submit 2009)
  7. Team-based instructional design of online teacher development courses: A process study, Chen Zehang (PhD), (2004 to submit 2008 )
  8. Teacher inquiry groups and their effect on uptake of ICTs in classrooms, Michelle Caruana-Dingli (PhD), (2003  to submit 2008)
  9. Collaborative development of an online learning curriculum through action research, Cao Wen (PhD), (2004  to submit 2009 )
  10. Factors affecting the experience of online learners, Kwame Tabiri-Essuman (PhD), 2002 Awarded  2005
Recent Publications                                                                                                      
  1. Joyes, G.,(In Process) An introduction.  In The training of online tutors: A Sino-UK- Malaysia Project, Malaysian Journal of Distance Education, Special Edition
  2. Joyes, G., (In Process) The eEducator Project: A continuing professional development model for tutor training. In The training of online tutors: A Sino-UK- Malaysia Project, Malaysian Journal of Distance Education, Special Edition
  3. Joyes, G., (In Process) Cognitive aspects. In The Training of online tutors: A Sino-UK- Malaysia Project, Malaysian Journal of Distance Education, Special Edition
  4. Joyes, G., (In Process) Research: Tutors’ perceptions of effective online pedagogy - The Learning Activity Analysis Tool. In The training of online tutors: A Sino-UK- Malaysia Project, Malaysian Journal of Distance Education, Special Edition
  5. Joyes, G., (In Process) Key research findings and implications for practice, in the Training of Online Tutors: A Sino-UK- Malaysia Project, Malaysian Journal of Distance Education, Special Edition
  6. Joyes, G (70%). Hall, C & Thang, S.M. (In Press) The eEducator module: a new approach to the training of online tutors, International Journal of Pedagogies and Learning
  7. Joyes, G., (2008). Key principles for quality web based resource development for global contexts. Journal of excellence in e-learning, 1(1).
  8. Joyes, G (60%) and Chen, Z (2007), Researching a participatory design for learning process. In an Intercultural Context, International Journal of Education and Development using ICT
  9. Joyes, G (2007) e-Learning Design for Localisation and Personalisation. Malaysian Journal of Distance Education 8 (2), 69-82
  10. Joyes, G. (2006) When pedagogy leads technology. International Journal of Technology, Knowledge and Society, Common Ground 1, 1-13
  11. Joyes, G (90%) & Fritze, P (2006) Valuing individual differences within learning: from face-to-face to online experience. International Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education  17, 1, 33-41
  12. Joyes, G (60%) & Chen, Z (2006), Developing Teacher Autonomy and Reflective Practice through an Online Teacher Education Course. The Journal of Asia TEFL 3 (4) 1-28
Recent Publications (as book chapters)                                                                     
  1. Joyes, G (60%)& Banks, S  (2008), Integrating eLearning and eResearch. In F. McSweeney (Ed) Applied e-Learning and e-Teaching in Higher Education. Idea Group Publishing
  2. Joyes, G (95%). & Wang, T. (2007), A generic framework for the training of eLearning tutors. In H. Spencer-Oatey (Ed); eLearning in China: eChina Perspectives on Policy, Pedagogy and Innovation HK Research Press 
  3. Joyes, G. (2007), Personalized Online Learning: Exploiting New Learning Technologies. In H. Spencer-Oatey (Ed); eLearning in China: eChina Perspectives on Policy, Pedagogy and Innovation HK Research Press.
  4. Joyes, G. (2006), The new learning technologies ‘revolution’ within a culture of excellence.In; M.Caruana-Dingli (Ed) SAIL; Specialised Animated Interactive Learning. Publishers Enterprises Group Ltd
Recent Research Projects                                                                                            
  1. e-China-UK innovative eLearning project School of Education, University of Nottingham and BNU/BFSU Universities: Funded by HEFCE £550,000. (2003–5).
  2. e-China-UK over-arching research project Institute for Learning Sciences, University of Nottingham: Funded by HEFCE £250,000 (2003-6). Role: Steering Group member and research supervisor
  3. eChina-UK disseminator project  Funded by HEFCE £140,000 (2005-6)
  4. ePortfolio project . Funded by Becta  £80,000 (2006-7)
  5. V-ResORT, University of Nottingham led consortium: Funded under FDTL5 by HEFCE £250,000 (2004-7).
  6. eChina-UK eEducator training project School of Education, University of Nottingham, BFSU University China, USM University Malaysia: Funded by HEFCE £475,000 (2004-7)
  7. V-ResORT continuation funding project, University of Nottingham led consortium: Funded under FDTL5 by HEFCE £25,000 (2007-8). 
  8. eChina-UK International disseminator project: Funded by HEFCE £120,000 (2006-7)
Conference Presentations                                                                                             
  1. Joyes, G., (2008)  Researching tutors’ perceptions of effective online pedagogy: The Learning Activity Analysis Tool. In  S. Banks, V. Hodgson, C. Jones, B. Kemp, D. McConnell & C. Smith,Proceedings of the Networked Learning Conference 2008 , Thesaloniki, Greece
  2. Banks, S., Joyes, G. and Wellington, J. (2008) Professional Doctorates and Emerging Online Pedagogies, In  S. Banks, V. Hodgson, C. Jones, B. Kemp, D. McConnell & C. Smith,Proceedings of the Networked Learning Conference 2008 , Thessaloniki, Greece
  3. Joyes, G, 2007 What will be the impact of Web 2.0 technologies on formal learning (Synopsis of Speeches). In: International Distance Education Advanced Forum, Beijing, China. pp. 104-7
  4. Joyes, G, 2007. Key note: Designing for reusable learning in complex advanced e-learning contexts. In: 1st International Malaysian Educational Technology Convention, 2- 5 Nov 2007. pp. xv - xxii
  5. Joyes, G. and Hall, C., 2007. Online tutor training developments: enquiry based professional learning. In: International Distance Education Advanced Forum, Beijing, China, Oct 24 -26,. pp. 475- 485
  6. Joyes, G (70%), Hall C & Thang, S.M.(2007)  The eEducator module: a new approach to the training of online tutors,  Proceedings of the Solls Intec conference, Selangor, Malaysia May 15 – 17.
  7. Joyes, G (2006).  An activity theory approach to the exploration of tutors’ perceptions of effective online pedagogy. In L. Markauskaite, P.Goodyear, P. Reimann (Eds) Proceedings of the 23rd Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education Conference (Ascilite), Sydney, Australia
  8. Joyes, G (2006) Generic e-learning materials: exploring localisation and personalisation issues, Proceedings of the Universitas 21 elearning conference, Guadalajara, Mexico
  9. Joyes, G. (2006)  Bridging cultures in designing for learning: An eChina project case study, In  S. Banks, V. Hodgson, C. Jones, B. Kemp, D. McConnell & C. Smith,  Proceedings of the Networked Learning Conference 2006 , Lancaster
  10. Joyes, G & Banks, S (2008) New pedagogies for postgraduate research teaching - integrating online research narratives. In The Teaching - Research Interface: Implications for Practice in HE and FE conference, Stirling, May 2008
  11. S.M.Thang & Joyes, G. (2007) The eEducator module: Malaysian Tutors’ preliminary perceptions of its relevance to their context. Glocall Conference, Hanoi & Ho Chi Min City, Nov 2007
  12. Joyes, G & Banks, S (2007)  Design for re-usable learning: The V-ResORT resource, Association of Learning Technology Conference, University of Nottingham, Sept 2007
  13. Joyes G, McGrath, I & Caley, K (2007) Online tutor training: International developments, Association of Learning Technology Conference, University of Nottingham, Sept 2007
  14. Joyes G, Arici E, Sharples M, Fisher T, Coyle D & Nilan, M  (2007) ePioneering: A Mentoring Approach to Technology Adoption, Association of Learning Technology Conference, University of Nottingham, Sept 2007
  15. Joyes, G & Banks, S (2007) Online Research Training – using the (V-ResORT) project online materials in new contexts. Higher Education Annual Conference, Harrogate International Centre, UK, July 2007
  16. Joyes, G, Hall, C & Thang, S.M. (2007) the e-Educator Module: a new approach to the training of online tutors. WIAOC online convergence, May 2007
  17. Chen, Z & Joyes, G., (2006) Research into the process of participatory design of eTutor Training. The 14th International Conference on Computers in Education (ICCE2006), Beijing, China
  18. Joyes, G.  & Chen, Z. (2006). Researching an on online Teacher Education course. Asia TEFL conference, Beijing, China
  19. Joyes, G. & Banks, S (2006) Online research training: A video narrative approach, Association of Learning Technology Conference, Edinburgh
  20. Spencer-Oatey, H & Joyes, G (2005)  Achieving Innovation through International Collaborative Partnerships: the e-China Experience, ASEM
  21. Joyes, G & Banks, S (2005) Enhancing research training online: utilising research narratives,  British Educational Research Association Conference, Glamorgan
  22. Joyes, G. (2005), E-learning or lectures?.  EARLI conference, Cyprus
  1. Visiting Professor of Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 2007
  2. Visiting Professor of  Universiti Sains Malaysia, 2007
  3. Invited lead key note speaker at the  SAIL ICT and Education conference, University of Malta, 2004
  4. Lord Dearing Award for Learning and Teaching,   University of Nottingham, 2004