About Us
Realizing the significance of marine resources and technology in Malaysia, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia through the Faculty of Science and Technology has established the Marine Ecosystem Research Centre (EKOMAR) to conduct research related to the marine ecosystem and resources. EKOMAR has been established not only to benefit studies on marine sciences and resources, but also to incorporate studies in the fields of management, social sciences, marine laws and engineering. It also aims to become a significant platform for enhancing knowledge and public awareness on the importance of marine ecosystem and control measures for the conservation of marine ecosystems.
EKOMAR has a clear outlook and objective to position marine related research at UKM on the right platform, in line with the national development and the status of UKM as a premier research university. The main objective of setting up EKOMAR involves five main research areas, namely marine biological diversity and conservation; oceanography and exploration; marine biotechnology; marine economy; maritime technology and safety. It has an encompassing role of fulfilling the local and global needs covering the fields conservation, biotechnology, education, socio-culture, economy
and health.
To reach the primary goal of its establishment, EKOMAR is committed to achieve the following main objectives:
- To identify flora and fauna, physical and socio-cultural heritage, and threatened areas;
- To study and prepare inventories of the local ecosystems, i.e. mangrove forests, river estuaries, flora and fauna of the marine coastal zone and islands within the east Johor waters;
- To serve as a reference centre for biological diversity and conservation in the east coast of Johor;
- To conduct research based on products (for example, biotechnology, ecotourism and aquaculture);
- To establish collaborative network and strengthen cooperative linkages with equivalent centres within the country and overseas;
- To protect the economy of the local communities.