Prof. Dr Misni Misran
Prof. Dr. Misni Misran has been an academic member in the Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur since 1999 and obtained his professorship in 2010. He obtained his Bachelor Degree in Chemistry from the Flinders University of South Australia, Australia in 1991 and subsequently received his Honors Degree from the same university in 1992. He later worked as temporary teacher for secondary boarding school before joining Universiti Sains Malaysia, Pulau Pinang as a research officer from 1993 to 1994. He completed his Ph.D. from the University of East Anglia, United Kingdom in 1999.
His research interest is in the field of Colloidal systems and Surfactant Chemistry. Prof Misni Misran has spent most of his research career in drug delivery systems with main focus in liposomal carrier systems. He is also working in other colloidal related systems such as polymeric nanoparticles synthesis, nanolipids, creams, gels, emulsions and microemulsions. He is the author and coauthor of over 80 publications and holds 11 national patent applications. He has graduated 6 PhD students and over 24 Master research students. Currently, there are 8 PhD students and 6 master students working under his supervision.