Tianyou Zhai
Tianyou Zhai is a full professor of Material Science at the Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST). He received his B.S. degree in chemistry from Zhengzhou University in 2003, and received his Ph.D. degree in physical chemistry from the Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences (ICCAS) under the supervision of Prof. Jiannian Yao in 2008. Afterwards he joined in National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS) as a JSPS postdoctoral fellow of Prof. Yoshio Bando’s group and then as an International Center for Young Scientists (ICYS) researcher within NIMS. His research interests include the controlled synthesis and exploration of fundamental physical properties of inorganic functional nanomaterials, as well as their promising applications in energy science, electronics and optoelectronics. He has authored and co-authored about 120 peer-reviewed journal articles, 5 book chapters, co-edited 1 book on nanotechnology, and held 7 patents. His publications have been cited above 6000 times (H index is 43). He is the recipient of Highly Cited Researchers by Thomson Reuters (2015), Second Prize of National Natural Science Award (5/5, 2014) and Chinese Chemical Society Award for Outstanding Young Chemist (2014), NSFC Excellent Young Scientist Foundation (2013) and 3rd National 1000 Young Talents Program of China (2012). Currently, he is the member of the Editorial Board of Journal of Nanomaterials and International Journal of Photoenergy.