Sains Malaysiana 36(1): 77-82 (2007)
Penganggaran Saiz p-Adic Pensifar Sepunya Terbitan
Separa Polinomial Berdarjah Enam
(Estimating the p-Adic Sizes of Common Zeros of Partial
Derivative Polynomials of Degree Six)
S.H. Sapar & K.A. Mohd Atan
Jabatan Matematik, Universiti Putra Malaysia
Laboratori Matematik Teori, Institut Penyelidikan Matematik
Universiti Putra Malaysia, 43400 Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia
Telah diketahui nilai hasil tambah eksponen S(f;pa) adalah bersandar kepada penganggaran bilangan unsur |V|, yang terdapat dalam set
dengan menandakan polinomial-polinomial terbitan separa f terhadap . Kekardinalan bagi V pula bersandar kepada saiz p-adic pensifar sepunya terbitan separa .
Makalah ini membentangkan suatu kaedah penentuan anggaran saiz p-adic bagi komponen (x,h) pensifar sepunya terbitan separa f(x,y) dalam berdarjah enam berasaskan teknik polihedron Newton yang disekutukan dengan polinomial terbabit. Polinomial berdarjah enam yang dipertimbangkan berbentuk
Anggaran yang diperolehi adalah dalam sebutan saiz p-adic pekali-pekali sebutan yang dominan dalam f.
Kata kunci: kekardinalan; pensifar sepunya; saiz p-adic; polihedron Newton; rajah penunjuk.
It is known that the value of the exponential sum S(f;pa) depends on the estimate of the cardinality |V|, the number of elements contained in the set
where is the partial derivatives of f with respect to . The cardinality of V in turn depends on the p-adic sizes of common zeros of the partial derivatives .
This paper presents a method of determining the p-adic sizes of the components of (x,h) a common root of partial derivative polynomials of f(x,y) in of degree six based on the p-adic Newton polyhedron technique associated with the polynomial. The degree six polynomial is of the form
The estimate obtained is in terms of the p-adic sizes of the coefficients of the dominant terms in f.
Keywords : cardinality; common zero; p-adic sizes; Newton polyhedron; indicator diagram.
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