CORDEX and CORDEX-Southeast Asia

Importance of CORDEX in the IPCC Report

CORDEX, the Coordinated Regional Climate Downscaling Experiment, is a global initiative launched by the World Climate Research Programme (WCRP) to improve regional climate predictions through high-resolution downscaling of global climate models. By providing more detailed and region-specific climate data, CORDEX helps in better understanding the local impacts of climate change. This data is crucial for various applications, including climate impact assessments, adaptation planning, and policy development. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) extensively uses CORDEX data in its reports to inform regional climate change impacts, ensuring that assessments are robust and applicable to specific areas worldwide.

CORDEX-Southeast Asia, a regional branch of the CORDEX initiative, focuses on the Southeast Asian region, known for its diverse climates, high population density, and significant vulnerability to climate change impacts. This initiative provides detailed climate projections that capture the unique geographical and meteorological features of Southeast Asia. The IPCC utilizes these projections to offer insights into how climate change specifically affects this region, helping to identify risks and guide local governments in developing targeted adaptation and mitigation strategies. By incorporating CORDEX-Southeast Asia data, the IPCC reports can provide more region-specific recommendations, enhancing the relevance and effectiveness of climate policies and actions in Southeast Asia.

The datasets used for the mapping here were sourced from the multimodel downscaling experiments by CORDEX-Southeast. You can refer to the CORDEX-SEA website for further information.