Conference Fee:
- Local Participant/Presenter: IDR 1,000,000
- Student (Indonesian Institutions of Higher Learning): IDR 850,000
- International Participant / Presenter:
- MIICEMA Member Institutions: IDR1,000,000
- Others: IDR 1,500,000
- Student (Non–Indonesian Institutions of Higher Learning):
- MIICEMA Member Institutions: IDR1,000,000
- Others: IDR 1,250,000
For author submitting an additional paper:
- Local Participant/Presenter: IDR 500,000
- Student (Indonesian Institutions of Higher Learning): IDR 450,000
- International Participant / Presenter: IDR 800,000
- Student (Non – Indonesian Institutions of Higher Learning): IDR 750,000
Payment Method
Kindly make the payment for conference fees via any one of the following bank accounts:
1. Bank Mandiri, Palangka Raya Branch
Bank Account Number: 0310005254928
Bank Account Name: DRS. MIAR, MS
2. Bank Central Asia (Bca), Kcu Palangka Raya Branch
Bank Account Number: 8600256557
Bank Account Name: Renhart Jemi, S.HUT, MP
Please notify ALL the following names by attaching a softcopy of the bank transfer slip or receipt as proof of payment (Please state name of participant):
- Drs. Miar, MS (ph. +6281349077399,
- Renhart Jemi, S.Hut, MP (ph. +628111115395,
- Dr. Gundik Gohong, MS (ph. +628125158479,
- Dr. Fitria Husnatarina. (ph. +6282136395259,
All payments are to be received before or on 14 December 2015. All payments received are non-refundable.
Please bring along your proof of payment on the registration day.