The Malaysian Journal of Analytical Sciences Vol 14 No 1 (2010): 69 – 75




Removal of As(V) by Ce(IV)-exchanged zeolite P USING column method


Md Jelas Haron*1, Farha Abd Rahim1, Mohd Zobir Hussein1,

Abdul Halim Abdullah1, Anuar Kassim1,  S.M. Talebi2


1Chemistry Department,

Universiti Putra Malaysia, 43400 Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia

2Department of Chemistry and Environmental Science,

University of Isfahan, 81744 Isfahan, Iran


*Corresponding author:



Zeolite P was modified by ion exchange with Ce(IV) cation (Ce4ZP) and its performance for removal of As(V) anion using column method is described.    The removal of As(V) was strongly depending on the bed depth, influent flow rate and initial As(V) concentration.  The increase in bed depth enable more water can be treated, but with a slight reduction in adsorption capacity.  At lower flow rate, the quantity of treated water and adsorption capacity were found to increase.  At higher influent concentrations, better adsorption capacity was observed.  The theoretical service times evaluated from bed depth service time (BDST) model for different flow rates and influent As(V) concentrations shows good correlation with the experimental data.


Keywords: Arsenate, BDST model, Ce(IV)-zeolite P, column, adsorption



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