Malaysian Journal of Analytical Sciences Vol 19 No 2 (2015): 318 – 324






(Analisis Sedimen Permukaan Terhadap Petroleum Hidrokarbon dan Jumlah Karbon Organik daripada Pesisiran Pantai Papar ke Tuaran, Sabah)


Siti Aishah Mohd Ali1*, Carolyn Payus1, Masni Mohd Ali2


1Water Research Unit, Faculty of Science and Natural Resources,

Universiti Malaysia Sabah, Jalan UMS, 88400 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia

2School of Environmental and Natural Resource Sciences, Faculty of Science and Technology,

Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, 43600 UKM Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia


*Corresponding author:



Received: 12 September 2014; Accepted: 5 January 2015




Total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH) and total organic carbon (TOC) were investigated in surface sediments along coastal area of Papar to Tuaran, Sabah. Surface sediment samples were collected in 24 different stations in each area by using Ponar grab sampler. Samples were extracted for TPH using standard method sediment/sludge APHA 5520E and analyzed using UV/VIS spectrophotometer while for TOC method analysis using United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)/MAP Athens (2006). The range of TPH concentrations in surface sediments were recorded at 0.24 – 20.65 mg/kg dw Miri crude oil equivalents, meanwhile the TOC percentage ranged from 0.03 – 4.02%. In the mean time, the statistical analysis by Pearson correlation showed a positive correlation with coefficient, r = 0.790 which showing the TPH concentrations significantly have influence on the TOC accumulations in the surface sediment.


Keywords: total petroleum hydrocarbon, surface sediment, total organic carbon



Jumlah petroleum hidrokarbon (TPH) dan jumlah karbon organik (TOC) telah dikaji dalam sedimen permukaan di sepanjang kawasan persisiran pantai Papar ke Tuaran, Sabah. Sampel sedimen permukaan dikumpul di 24 stesen yang berbeza di setiap kawasan dengan menggunakan Ponar grab sampler. Sampel telah diekstrak bagi TPH menggunakan kaedah piawai sedimen /enapcemar APHA 5520E dan dianalisis menggunakan UV/VIS spektrofotometer manakala bagi kaedah analisis TOC pula menggunakan United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)/MAP Athens (2006). Julat kepekatan TPH dalam sedimen permukaan direkodkan pada 0.24 – 20.65 mg / kg bk setara dengan minyak mentah Miri, sementara peratusan TOC adalah di antara 0.03 – 4.02%. Sementara itu, analisis statistik dengan korelasi Pearson menunjukkan korelasi positif dengan pekali, r = 0.790 yang menunjukkan kepekatan TPH ketara mempunyai pengaruh ke atas pengumpulan TOC dalam sedimen permukaan.


Kata kunci: jumlah petroleum hidrokarbon, sedimen permukaan, jumlah karbon organik




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