Malaysian Journal of Analytical Sciences Vol 19 No 2 (2015): 338 – 348






(Penilaian Kualiti Air Permukaan Menggunakan Teknik Statistik Multivariat bagi Lembangan Sungai Terengganu)


Aminu Ibrahim1*, Hafizan Juahir1, Mohd Ekhwan Toriman1, Adamu Mustapha2, Azman Azid1,

Hamza A Isiyaka1


1East Coast Environmental Research Institute

Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin, 21300 Terengganu, Malaysia

2Kano State University of Science and Technology, Wudil 3244 Kano, Nigeria


*Corresponding author:



Received: 23 November 2014; Accepted: 11 January 2015




Multivariate Statistical techniques including cluster analysis, discriminant analysis, and principal component analysis/factor analysis were applied to investigate the spatial variation and pollution sources in the Terengganu river basin during 5 years of monitoring 13 water quality parameters at thirteen different stations. Cluster analysis (CA) classified 13 stations into 2 clusters low polluted (LP) and moderate polluted (MP) based on similar water quality characteristics. Discriminant analysis (DA) rendered significant data reduction with 4 parameters (pH, NH3-NL, PO4 and EC) and correct assignation of 95.80%. The PCA/FA applied to the data sets, yielded in five latent factors accounting 72.42% of the total variance in the water quality data. The obtained varifactors indicate that parameters in charge for water quality variations are mainly related to domestic waste, industrial, runoff and agricultural (anthropogenic activities). Therefore, multivariate techniques are important in environmental management.


Keywords: cluster analysis, discriminant analysis, principal component analysis,water quality, Terengganu river basin



Teknik multivariat statistik termasuk analisis kelompok, analisis diskrminan, dan analisis komponen prinsipal/analisis faktor telah digunakan untuk mengkaji perubahan dan pencemaran sumber ruang di lembangan sungai Terengganu sepanjang 5 tahun pemantauan parameter kualiti air di 13 tiga belas stesen yang berbeza. Analisis kelompok (CA)mengkelaskan 13 stesen ke dalam 2 kelompok iaitu rendah tercemar (LP) dan sederhana tercemar (MP) berdasarkan ciri-ciri kualiti air yang sama. Analisis diskriminan (DA) menberikan pengurangan data penting kepada 4 parameter (pH, NH3-NL, PO4 dan kekonduksian) dan penandaan betul adalah 95.80%. PCA/FA diaplikasikan kepada set data, menghasilkan lima faktor terpendam menyumbang kepada 72.42% daripada jumlah varians bagi data kualiti air. Varifaktor yang diperolehi menunjukkan bahawa terdapat parameter yang bertanggungjawab terhadap perubahan kualiti air terutamanya yang berkaitan dengan sisa domestik, perindustrian, aliran dan pertanian (aktiviti antropogenik). Oleh itu, teknik multivariat adalah penting dalam pengurusan alam sekitar.


Kata kunci: analisis kelompok, analisis diskriminan, analisis komponen principal, kualiti air, lembangan sungai Terengganu



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