Malaysian Journal of Analytical Sciences Vol 19 No 3 (2015): 636 – 648








(Taburan, Sumber dan Potensi Ketoksikan Polisiklik Aromatik Hidrokarbon di dalam Tanah Sekitar Tapak Pelupusan Balogun-Birro, Oshogbo, Nigeria)


Taofik Adewale Adedosu1*, Omotayo Kayode Adeniyi2, Haleema Omolola Adedosu2


1Department of Pure and Applied Chemistry, Faculty of Pure and Applied Sciences,

Ladoke Akintola University of Technology Ogbomoso, PMB 4000, Nigeria

2Department of Physical and Earth Science, College of Physical Sciences

Wesley University of Science and Technology Ondo, PMB 507, Nigeria

3Department of Science Laboratory Technology, Faculty of Pure and Applied Sciences

Ladoke Akintola University of Technology Ogbomoso, PMB 4000, Nigeria


*Corresponding author:



Received: 12 February 2015; Accepted: 3 April 2015




Contamination of soil within the vicinity of dumpsites by toxic and persistent organic pollutants is of environmental concern because of their carcinogenic, genotoxic and environmental persistence. Waste disposal sites have been identified as potential source of PAHs accumulating in soil. Assessment of level, distribution and sources of PAHs in environmental media is important for evaluation of ecotoxicological and health effect. This study investigated the distribution, sources and level of PAHs in soil within the vicinity of Balogun-Birro Dumpsite in Osogbo, Nigeria and their potential impacts on human health. Soil samples were collected at ten points within the vicinity of the dumpsite. The level of the 16 USEPA PAHs in the soil samples were determined by gas chromatography – flame ionization detector (GC-FID). The total concentration of the 16PAHs ranged between 0.1137mg/kg to 5.6491mg/kg. Samples from the main dumpsite and the mechanic workshops had highest PAHs concentrations of 5.6491mg/kg and 3.6529mg/kg respectively. The distribution of PAHs ring size is in the order of 3˃4˃5˃6˃2. Carcinogenic fractions represent 34.74% of the total PAHs. The total concentration of carcinogenic PAHs ranged from 0.06425mg/kg to 1.6775mg/kg.  Diagnostic ratios of PAHs indicate that pyrogenic activities are major sources of PAHs. The study had revealed increasing accumulation of carcinogenic PAHs in soil within the vicinity of the dumpsite.


Keywords: Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs), carcinogenic, dumpsite, toxicity equivalent potency, pyrogenic



Pencemaran tanah di sekitar tapak pembuangan oleh pencemar organik yang toksik dan tahan lama adalah isu alam sekitar yang mendapat perhatian kerana ia bersifat karsinogenik, genotoksik dan kekal di alam sekitar. Tapak pelupusan sisa telah dikenal pasti sebagai sumber berpotensi kehadiran PAHs di dalam tanah. Penilaian aras, taburan dan sumber pencemar PAHs dalam media alam sekitar adalah penting bagi menilai kesan ekotoksikologi dan kesihatan. Kajian ini menilai aras kandungan, taburan, dan sumber PAHs di dalam tanah di sekitar tapak pelupusan Balogun-Birro Osogbo, Nigeria dan kesannya kepada kesihatan manusia. Sampel tanah telah diambil dari 10 titik persampelan di sekitarnya. Aras kandungan 16 USEPA PAHs id dalam tanah ditentukan oleh kromatografi gas – pengesan nyala pengionan (GC-FID).Jumlah kepekatan bagi 16 PAHs di antara julat 0.1137 mg/kg hingga 5.6491 mg/kg. Sampel daripada tapak pelupusan utama dan bengkel mekanik masing – masing merekodkan kepekatan PAHs tertinggi iaitu masing – masing ialah 5.6491 mg/kg dan 3.6529 mg/kg. Taburan PAHs mengikut gelang aromatik adalah mengikut tertib 3˃4˃5˃6˃2. Pecahan karsinogenik mewakili 34.74% daripada jumlah keseluruhan PAHs. Jumlah kepekatan karsinogenik PAHs adalah dari julat 0.06425 mg/kg untuk 1.6775 mg/kg. Nisbah diagnostik PAHs menunjukkan bahawa aktiviti-aktiviti pirogenik adalah sumber utama bagi PAHs. Kajian telah menunjukkan peningkatan penumpukan bagi karsinogenik PAHs di dalam tanah di sekitar tapak pelupusan.


Kata kunci: Polisiklik Aromatik Hidrokarbon, karsinogenik, tapak pelupusan, potensi ketoksikan, pirogenik



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