Malaysian Journal of Analytical Sciences Vol 19 No 4 (2015): 730 - 738






(Penilaian Kandungan Logam Berat Terpilih di dalam Air Laut dan Sedimen di Kawasan Pesisir Pantai Klang, Malaysia)


Noor Aziatul Aini Hamzan, Farah Fardiana Mohamad Zaini, Mohd Ismail Ibrahim, Nik Azlin Nik Ariffin*


Faculty of Applied Sciences,

Universiti Teknologi MARA, 40450 Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia


*Corresponding author:



Received: 23 November 2014; Accepted: 27 June 2015




Sediments are capable of transporting loads of adsorbed nutrients, pesticides, heavy metals, and other toxins. In this study, the samples of sediment were collected from four sampling points (Kapar, Sungai Puloh, Sementa and North Port) using sediment core sampler. The cores then was sub-sampled by slicing into 1 cm slices and dried at 60 oC until mass become constant and the weight recorded. The samples were pulverized and sieved through 220 µm stainless steel sieves. Each sub-sample digested using aqua regia acids. For seawater, the samples were evaporated using the hotplate at 60 °C. The concentration of heavy metals was determined by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES). The highest concentration of copper, zinc, iron and lead was observed from seawater samples obtained from Sementa while highest concentration of cadmium was found from Kapar samples). Most of the bottom seawater gives high concentration of the heavy metal compare to the surface. For sediment, the overall concentration of heavy metal in each layer was fluctuated. From the analysis, there is a significant correlation for overall selected heavy metals and the samples (seawater and sediment) that study in this area.


Keywords:  heavy metals, sediments, seawater, enrichment factor, pollution



Sedimen mampu mengangkut beban nutrien terjerap, racun perosak, logam berat dan toksin lain. Dalam kajian ini, sampel sedimen telah dikumpulkan daripada empat titik persampelan (Kapar, Sungai Puloh, Sementa dan Pelabuhan Utara) menggunakan teras sampler sedimen. Sample tersebut di potong (setiap 1 cm panjang) kepada sub-sampel dan dikeringkan pada suhu 60 oC sehingga berat sampel menjadi konsisten lalu direkodkan. Sampel dikisarkan dan diayak dengan menggunakan pengayak keluli tahan karat yang bersaiz 220 μm. Setiap sub-sampel dicerna dengan menggunakan cairan asid regia. Untuk air laut, sampel disejatkan dengan menggunakan plat panas pada suhu 60 °C. Kepekatan logam berat ditentukan oleh plasma induksi optik pelepasan spektrometri (ICP-OES). Kepekatan tembaga, zink, besi dan plumbum dalam sampel air laut yang diperolehi daripada Sementa adalah tinggi manakala kepekatan kadmium dari Kapar adalah yang tertinggi. Kebanyakan bahagian bawah air laut memberikan kepekatan logam berat yang tinggi berbanding permukaan air laut. Untuk sedimen, kepekatan keseluruhan logam berat dalam setiap lapisan adalah berubah-ubah. Dari analisa, secara keseluruhannya terdapat hubungan yang signifikan bagi logam berat terpilih dan sampel (air laut dan sedimen).


Kata Kunci: logam berat, sedimen, air laut, faktor pengayaan, pencemaran



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