Malaysian Journal of Analytical Sciences Vol 19 No 4 (2015): 881 - 888




Assessment of Surface Radiation Dose Rate and

Accumulation of CADMIUM, NiCKEL and PLUMBUM in The Roadside Soils Along Bandar Pusat Jengka to Chenor TOLL, Pahang


(Penilaian Kadar Dos Radiasi Permukaan dan Penumpukan Kadmium, Nikel dan Plumbum di dalam Tanah Pinggir Jalan Sepanjang Bandar Pusat Jengka Ke Tol Chenor, Pahang)


Norihan Zainun Abiden1, Nazree Ahmad@Muhamad1*, Junaidah Md Sani1, Ahmad Saat2,3


1Faculty of Applied Sciences,

Universiti Teknologi MARA Pahang, 26400 Bandar Tun Razak Jengka, Pahang, Malaysia

2Faculty of Applied Sciences,

3Institute of Science,

Universiti Teknologi MARA, 40450 Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia


*Corresponding author:



Received: 23 November 2014; Accepted: 27 June 2015




Studies have been carried out along the road of Bandar Pusat Jengka to Tol Chenor, Pahang to determine surface radiation dose rate and heavy metals concentration in the roadside soils as a result of transportation of mining wastes. The in situ surface radiation dose and concentration of Cd, Ni and Pb were studied and compared with the results obtained from an area with no transportation of mining wastes. The outcomes of this research were compared with the tolerable radiation dose and maximum allowable metal concentration in soils recommended by regulators. Result shows that, radiation dose at the surface was in a range of 0.146 mSv hr-1 to 0.467 mSv hr-1 with a mean value of 0.227 mSv hr-1 while radiation dose at 1 m above the ground was in a range of 0.101 µSv hr-1 to 0.322 µSv hr-1 with an average value of 0.151 µSv/hr. Accumulation of Cd, Ni and Pb in soil samples at study areas yield an average concentration of 1.90±0.54 mg kg-1, 61.45±14.71 mg kg-1 and 104.41±8.62 mg kg-1 respectively. The result indicates elevated doses of radiation which is above the recommended value. Meanwhile, the distribution of heavy metals in the roadside soils at the sampling areas noted a lower level of metal concentration than their background limit. The findings of this preliminary study indicates the importance of radiological and heavy metals studies on the side of preventing further dispersion and distribution of these toxicants in the environment besides monitoring and protecting the ecosystem balance for present and future’s generation.


Keywords: surface radiation, heavy metals



Kajian penentuan kadar dos radiasi permukaan dan kepekatan logam berat dalam tanah pinggir jalan akibat pengangkutan sisa perlombongan telah dibuat sepanjang jalan dari Bandar Pusat Jengka ke Tol Chenor, Pahang.  Kadar dos radiasi permukaan in situ dan kepekatan Cd, Ni and Pb dibandingkan dengan kawasan yang tiada pengangkutan sisa perlombongan. Hasil kajian dipadankan dengan dos radiasi dan kepekatan maksimum logam dalam tanah yang dibenarkan mengikut yang disyorkan dalam peraturan.   Keputusan menunjukkan dos radiasi di permukaan adalah dalam julat 0.146 mSv hr-1 hingga 0.467 mSv hr-1 dengan nilai min 0.227 mSv hr-1 sementara dos radiasi permukaan 1 m daripada tanah ialah dalam julat 0.101 mSv hr-1 hingga 0.322 mSv hr-1 dengan nilai purata 0.151 µSvhr-1. Penumpukan Cd, Ni dan Pb dalam sampel tanah di kawasan kajian menunjukkan kepekatan purata 1.90±0.54 mgkg-1, 61.45±14.71 mg kg-1 dan 104.41±8.62 mg kg-1 masing-masing. Keputusan ini menunjukkan peningkatan dos radiasi yang melebihi nilai yang dibenarkan.  Walau bagaimanapun, taburan logam berat dalam tanah pinggir jalan kawasan persampelan mencatatkan kepekatan logam yang lebih rendah berbanding had sekelilingnya. Hasil daripada penyelidikan permulaan ini menunjukkan kepentingan kajian radiologi dan logam berat bagi tujuan mencegah penyebaran lanjutan dan taburan toksid ini di samping memantau dan memelihara keseimbangan ekosistem untuk generasi hari ini dan akan datang.


Kata kunci: radiasi permukaan, logam berat



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