Malaysian Journal of Analytical Sciences Vol 19 No 5 (2015): 1001 - 1018






(Classification of Tropical River Using Chemometrics Technique: Case Study in

Pahang River, Malaysia)


Mohd Khairul Amri Kamarudin1,2*, Mohd Ekhwan Toriman1,3, Nur Hishaam Sulaiman1, Frankie Marcus Ata1,

Muhammad Barzani Gasim 1, Asyaari Muhamad1,4, Wan Adi Yusoff3, Mazlin Mokhtar5, Mohammad Azizi Amran1, Nor Azlina Abd Aziz1


1East Coast Environmental Research Institute (ESERI)

2Faculty of Design Arts and Engineering Technology

Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin, Gong Badak Campus, 21300 Kuala Terengganu, Malaysia

 3School of Social, Development and Environmental Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities

4Institute of The Malay World and Civilisation (ATMA)

5Institute for Environment and Development

Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, 43600 UKM Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia


*Corresponding author:



Received: 14 April 2015; Accepted: 9 July 2015




Klasifikasi sungai adalah amat penting bagi mengetahui ciri-ciri asas sesuatu sungai di dalam penilaian pengurusan dan punca permasalahan sungai dari dasarnya. Artikel ini membincangkan kaedah pengkelasan sungai tropika dengan menggunakan teknik kemometrik yang telah dijalankan di Sungai Pahang. Berdasarkan kerja-kerja pengukuran sungai, penganalisisan data GIS dan Remote Sensing (RS), analisis kemometrik telah dijalankan bagi mengkelaskan ciri utama Sungai Pahang dengan menggunakan kaedah hierarchical agglomerative cluster analysis (HACA). Proses kalibrasi dan validasi model dijalankan dengan menggunakan kaedah analisis Discriminant Analysis (DA). Manakala kaedah Principal Component Analysis (PCA) pula dijalankan bagi mengenalpasti parameter yang paling mempengaruhi pembolehubah pengkelasan yang telah dijalankan. Hasil kajian menunjukkan, aliran utama Sungai Pahang dapat dikelaskan kepada tiga kelas utama iaitu hulu, tengah dan hilir sungai. Analisis DA menunjukkan kesahan 100% pada model pengkelasan ini. Manakala PCA menunjukkan terdapat tiga pembolehubah yang mempunyai pekali korelasi yang signifikan iaitu dominasi cerun dengan nilai R2 0.796, nisbah L/D nilai R2 -0.868 dan belokan (sinuosity) dengan nilai R2 0.557. Peta pergerakan klasifikasi sungai bersama zon-zon risiko dan proses perubahan geomorfologi sungai turut dihasilkan. Hasil kajian ini adalah penting dalam menyediakan data-data asas sebagai panduan kepada pengurusan sungai secara bersepadu di Sungai Pahang kursusnya dan di sungai bertropika umumnya.


Kata kunci: klasifikasi sungai, sungai tropika, Sungai Pahang, teknik kemometrik, geomorfologi sungai



River classification is very important to know the river characteristic in study areas, where this database can help to understand the behaviour of the river. This article discusses about river classification using Chemometrics techniques in mainstream of Pahang River. Based on river survey, GIS and Remote Sensing database, the chemometric analysis techniques have been used to identify the cluster on the Pahang River using Hierarchical Agglomerative Cluster Analysis (HACA). Calibration and validation process using Discriminant Analysis (DA) has been used to confirm the HACA result. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) study to see the strong coefficient where the Pahang River has been classed. The results indicated the main of Pahang River has been classed to three main clusters as upstream, middle stream and downstream. Base on DA analysis, the calibration and validation model shows 100% convinced. While the PCA indicates there are three variables that have a significant correlation, domination slope with R2 0.796, L/D ratio with R2 -0868 and sinuosity with R2 0.557. Map of the river classification with moving class also was produced. Where the green colour considered in valley erosion zone, yellow in a low terrace of land near the channels and red colour class in floodplain and valley deposition zone. From this result, the basic information can be produced to understand the characteristics of the main Pahang River. This result is important to local authorities to make decisions according to the cluster or guidelines for future study in Pahang River, Malaysia specifically and for Tropical River generally. The research findings are important to local authorities by providing basic data as a guidelines to the integrated river management at Pahang River, and Tropical River in general.


Keywords: river classification, tropical river, Pahang river, chemometric techniques, river geomorpohology



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