Malaysian Journal of Analytical Sciences Vol 19 no 5 (2015): 951 - 959






(Land Exploration Study and Water Quality Changes in Tanah Tinggi Lojing,

Kelantan, Malaysia)


Wan Adi Yusoff1*, Mokhtar Jaafar1, Mohd Khairul Amri Kamarudin2,3, Mohd Ekhwan Toriman1,2


1School of Social, Development and Environmental Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities,

Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, 43600 UKM Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia

2East Coast Environmental Research Institute (ESERI)

3Faculty of Design Arts and Engineering Technology

Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin, Gong Badak Campus, 21300 Kuala Terengganu, Terengganu, Malaysia


*Corresponding author:



Received: 14 April 2015; Accepted: 19 July 2015




Aktiviti penerokaan tanah di kawasan Tanah Tinggi tanpa mitigasi dapat memberi impak besar terhadap kesihatan persekitaran di dalam lembangan tersebut. Tanah Tinggi Lojing Gua Musang merupakan antara kawasan yang dibangunkan bagi aktiviti pertanian komersil. Sungai Belatop merupakan antara sungai yang terjejas dan memberi kesan terhadap bekalan sumber air penduduk setempat. Kajian ini dijalankan bagi mengetahui perkaitan antara pembangunan tanah dengan perubahan kualiti air sungai di Lembangan Sungai Belatop. Kajian dijalankan berdasarkan analisis data daripada Jabatan Pengairan dan Saliran bermula dari Februari hingga Oktober 2012 secara berkala. Dapatan menunjukkan, pembangunan tanah di kawasan Tanah Tinggi Lojing telah memberi kesan nagetif kepada kualiti air di kawasan kajian. Dimana, nilai sedimen terampai (SS) adalah tinggi dengan nilai 1161 mg/L, nilai Turbidity mencapai 991(NTU) dan terus meningkat pada musim hujan kesan aliran permukaan yang menghakis permukaan tanah tidak berkenopi. Kandungan Magnisium juga telah meningkat iaitu 0.66 mg/L kepada 1.38 mg/L. Kandungan magnisium yang tinggi terhasil daripada penggunaan baja dalam aktiviti pertanian di kawasan kajian. Kandungan baja kimia yang berlebihan menyebabkan kandungan nilai kalsium (Ca) di lapangan bernilai 3.18 mg/L. Kandungan ferum dalam air juga telah melepasi 0.3 mg/L iaitu Kelas IIA/B dan Kelas III berdasarkan IKA. Justeru itu, beberapa cadangan dikemukan bagi mengurangkan masalah.


Kata kunci: perubahan gunatanah, muatan sedimen, pengurusan sumber air, Tanah Tinggi Lojing



Land exploration activities in the highlands areas without mitigation can give more impact on the environment health in the river basin. Tanah Tinggi Lojing Gua Musang is one of the commercial areas developed for agricultural activities. Sungai Belatop is one of the affected river at Tanah Tinggi Lojing. This article was conducted to investigate the relationship of land development and water quality changes in the Belatop river basin.The study was conducted by analyzing data from the Department of Irrigation and Drainage starts from February to October 2012. The results indicated the development of land exploration activities in the Tanah Tinggi Lojing area has affected on water quality parameters in the area. Where, the suspended sediment (SS) is high with 1161 mg/L, turbidity value is 991 (NTU) and this parameters is increasing on the rainy season impacted from surface erosion and surface runoff at land is not covered. Magnisium content also has increased from 0.66 mg/L to 1.38 mg/L. The high content magnisium result is from fertilizers used in agricultural activities in the study area. Chemical fertilizers content excessive causes the contents of calcium (Ca) high (3.18 mg/L). Ferum content in the water has also exceeded (0.3 mg/L) ware on Class IIA/B and Class III by WQI. Therefore, some recommendations is proposed to reduce and solving this problem.


Keywords: land use changes, sediment load, water resource management, Tanah Tinggi Lojing



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