Southeast Asia Disaster Prevention Research Initiative (SEADPRI-UKM)


National Symposium on CCA

National Symposium on Climate Change Adaptation (CCA)
Date: 16-17 November 2011 | Venue: Pullman Putrajaya Lakeside

The purpose of the Symposium is to understand goals and aspirations for climate change adaptation in various sectors to consolidate support from partner institutions in the Working Committee Adaptation.

Event completed. For presentation materials, please go to our Resource area for downloading.

The National Policy on Climate Change (NPCC), approved in 2009 is being implemented under the guidance of the Green Technology and Climate Change Council (GTCCC), chaired by the Prime Minister of Malaysia. Under the GTCCC, there are 7 Working Committees. These are on Industry, Human Capital, Research and Innovation, Promotion and Awareness, Transport, Adaptation and Green Neighbourhood.

The Working Committee on Adaptation is anchored by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment. The tasks of the Working Committee on Adaptation include taking stock of vulnerability and impacts of climate change in Malaysia, promoting integration and implementation of climate change adaptation, facilitating assessment of effectiveness and encouraging knowledge-based decision-making. Technical meetings have been previously organised to discuss conceptual aspects of climate change adaptation at the national level. As a follow-up to this, the Working Committee aspires to strengthen adaptation planning by engaging government agencies, research institutions, universities, industry and the community as well as other stakeholders and major groups in a common platform.

The theme of the symposium is on goals and aspirations for climate resilient development.

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updated on Oct 12, 2011

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Event completed

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