Sila hubungi: +603 89214641


Curriculum Vitae Prof. Madya Dr. Rosman Md. Yusoff



I have had varied and challenging experiences, both in and out of academia. Contributing in the academia for the last three decades; I began my career at the Universiti Teknologi Malaysia in 1984, as an Assistant Lecturer. Promoted as a lecturer in 1990 and as Associate Professor in 2001.  Throughout my career, I was entrusted to hold several academic administration positions since 1999.  In research, I am the founder and Head of Integrity and Good Governance Research Group. As for teaching, I handle a mixed bag of courses in sociology, entrepreneurship, economics and business. These include postgraduate courses such as Global Business Environment, Seminar on Development and Global Issues, Seminar on Global Development, Economics and Social Issues.  For undergraduate program I teach Research Methodology particularly for Human Resource Development students and Crisis Management. Currently, I am supervising 14 PhD students, beside completed supervision of 15 masters and 14 undergraduates. I am working on a book on research design beside publishing papers in International Peer Reviewed Journals.  In my non-academic life, I am an active person in social activities particularly in cooperative movement, as a resource person in entrepreneur development, moderator of various forums related to society, integrity and local issues.


PhD, University of Bradford, United Kingdom (1998), MPhil (Sociology), UKM (1992),  B.A.(Honors) (Anthropology & Sociology), UKM (1984)


Deputy Dean (Academic), Entrepreneurship Manager Bureau of Innovation and Consultancy, UTM, Deputy Dean (Post Graduate and Research) and Head, Department of Human Resource Development


**Currently the Head of Integrity and Good Governance Research Group, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia**

  1. A Research on Factors Contributing to Marital Happiness and Divorce in the State of Johor. Sponsored by Yayasan Pembangunan Keluarga Darul Ta’zim. 2012. (Research leader)
  2. An Analysis Of The Factors Hindering The Effectiveness Of Flood Disaster Management In Malaysia . University Research Grant. 2012.  (Research leader)
  3. TNA Among Trainners of Keluarga Sakinah Johor. Sponsored by Yayasan Pembangunan Keluarga Darul Ta’zim. 2011. (Research leader)
  4. A Study on the effectiveness of Keluarga Sakinah Program in Johor. Sponsored by Yayasan Pembangunan Keluarga Darul Takzim. 2011. (Research leader)
  5. Rapid Assessment “Sejauhmanakah Pemimpin Berintegriti dan Bersih Rasuah Dihargai Rakyat” (The extent of peoples’ appreciation on leaders with integrity and non-corrupted. 2009. Sponsored by Institut Integriti Malaysia. (Research leader)
  6. A study of Johore political leaders and leadership adherence to National Integrity Plan. 2009.  Sponsored by Yayasan Warisan Johor.  (Research leader)


  1. Rosman Bin Md Yusoff, Anwar Khan , Kamran Azam “Perceived Sources Of Stress Among University Teachers In Pakistan. A case study on COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, Pakistan”. Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Jan.2012. ISSN1993-6079. (Accepted for publication). IF=0.07
  2. Sehrish Tahir, Rosman Md.Yusoff, Kamran Azam, Anwar Khan & Sonia Kaleem “The Effects of Work Overload on the Employees’ Performance in Relation to Customer Satisfaction: A Case of Water & Power Development  Authority, Attock, Pakistan”. World Journal of Social Sciences. Vol.2. No.1. January 2012. Pp.174-181.
  3. Amran Rasli, Huam Hon Tat and Rosman Md. Yusoff (2011). Fun 2 fit aerobics: the misadventures of Amy and Azi and a Malaysian start up! Emerald Emerging Markets Case Studies, 1 (1), 1-8.
  4. Ai Chin Thoo, Hon Tat Huam, Rosman Md Yusoff, Amran Md Rasli and Abu Bakar Abd Hamid (2011). Supply chain management: success factors from the Malaysian manufacturer’s perspective. African Journal of Business Management, 5 (17), 4 September, 2011, 7240-7247.
  5. Rosman Md.Yusoff, Roziana Shaari, Ishak Mad Shah, Sara. Gh.,& Jeveria. F (2011). The Overview On Evolution Of Learning Organization Theories. International Conference Human Resource Development (ICHRD). 22-23 June 2011, Johor Bahru



Teruskan membaca

Curriculum Vitae Dr. Muhamad Reevany Bustami



Position: Senior Lecturer, School of Social Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) | Chairman, CSR & Philanthropy Transdisciplinary Action Group, CPATG Founding member, Corporate Conscience Circle-BJIM, USM Director, Asiatic Research and Knowledge-network (ARK), Penang | Founding member, Penang State CSR

Formal education: Ph.D. – Ph.D. in Organizational Sociology (London School of Economics and Political Science, 2003) | Master – MA in Sociology (1993, University of Wisconsin Milwaukee, US) | Degree – BA in Sociology with an East Asian History minor (1991, Purdue University, U.S.)

Research projects (selected list):

1. Principal Investigator, Possibilities of Pluralism (in Collaboration with Centre of Applied Ethics, Linkoping University, Sweden) under SIDA (Swedish International Development Agency).
2. Principal Investigator, Impact of Globalization on Women’s Work
3. Principal Investigator, Citizens’ Wellbeing Development Program: A Study of Bidayuh Community in Sarawak
4. Principal Investigator, The Development of engendered Social Safety net approach in public policy
5. Principal Investigator, Commissioned research-consultancy: A National Study of Alignment to the Nation’s Vision 2020 Model of Development among Public-listed Companies in Malaysia with KLSE (1995).

Publications (selected list):

1. Reevany B., Ellisha, N. and Sarmila M.S., 2010, Corporate Social Responsibility and Ethnic Diversity in Malaysia, Linkoping Studies in Identity and Pluralism no.5, Linkoping University Press, Linkoping University: Sweden. Pp. 57-69,
2. Fernandez, J., Reevany B., Ellisha, N. 2009, Philanthropic Trends in Indonesia: A CSR Perspective, in From Charity to Social Investments and Social Justice: Philanthropy in Indonesia, Philathropy Asia, Centre for the Advancement of Philanthropy, Kuala Lumpur, Pp35-57
3. Reevany B., Ellisha, N. and Sarmila M.S., 2007. Servicing the Multi-ethnic Communities in Penang Four Typologies of CSR Community Initiatives, STKS, Bandung, Peksos , Vol 6, No 2, Pp1482-1499.
4. Ellisha, N. and Reevany, B. 2007. Hala tuju dan masa depan pendidikan tinggi di Malaysia. In : (Ed.), 50 Tahun Pembangunan Pendidikan Tinggi di Malaysia (1957-2007), USM Press, Malaysia. Pp. 159-91.
5. Reevany, B. and Ellisha, N. 2005. Religious Pluralism, Islam and the New Prime Minister’s Ethical Rationality. In : (Ed., ), Possibilities of Religious Pluralism. Linkoping Studies in Identity and Pluralism no.3, Linkoping University Electronic Press, Linkoping University: Sweden. Pp. 2–30.


Incoming search terms:

  • dr reevany bustami
Teruskan membaca

Curriculum Vitae Prof. Dr. Mansor Mohd Noor



Beliau merupakan Profesor dalam Sosiologi Hubungan Etnik. Bertugas sebagai Felo Penyelidik Utama merangkap Ketua Kluster Etnisiti dan Pekerjaan di Institut Kajian Etnik (KITA), Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. Beliau memperolehi ijazah pertamanya daripada USM, Ijazah Sarjana Sastera daripada University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand dan Ph.D. dalam bidang Hubungan Etnik daripada University of Bristol, United Kingdom. Di antara penerbitan yang utama adalah “The Study of Ethnic Alignment: A New Technique and An Application in Malaysia”. Ethnic and Racial Studies, Banton and Mansor 15(4)1992:599-613, “Crossing Ethnic Borders in Malaysia: Measuring the Fluidity of Ethnic Identity and Group Formation” Akademika55 (July) 2000: 61-82  (Journal of anthropology and Sociology Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia), menulis bersama Hubungan Etnik Di Malaysia, dengan Abdul Rahman Aziz & Mohammad Ainudin Iskandar Lee 2006, Kuala Lumpur: Pearsons, ”Memahami dan Mengurus Ekstremisme Agama Di Malaysia”, REKAYASA, Journal of Ethics, Justice and Governance, Vol. 1 (2005) dan ”Multiculturalism or Indigenous Canopy? Making Sense of the Different Trajectories of Pluralism in Southeast Asia” TINGKAP Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu-ilmu Sosio Budaya dan Ekonomi, 6(2)2011:53-66.


Kelayakan Akademik

  1. Sarjana Muda Sains kemasayarakatan Hons – Universiti Sains Malaysia (1974)
  2. Master of Arts Honours – University of Canterbury  (1976)
  3. Ph.D – University of Bristol (1992)

Bidang Kepakaran

  1. Sosiologi
  2. Sosiologi Pembangunan
  3. Sosiologi Politik
  4. Sosiologi Agama
  5. Hubungan Etnik
  6. Tingkah Laku Organisasi
  7. Kemiskinan & Ketidakseimbangan
  8. Dasar Awam

Keahlian Profesional

  1. Member, Malaysian Social Sciences Association
  2. Member, International Sociological Association
  3. Member, Research Committee on Racism, Nationalism and Ethnic Relations
  4. Member, European Sociological Association

Hasil Penulisan dan Penerbitan

  1. “The Study of Ethnic Alignment: A New Technique and An Application in Malaysia”. Ethnic and Racial Studies, Banton and Mansor 15(4)1992:599-613
  2. “The Social Reality of Ethnic Relations in Malaysia: Implications For Managers” in Mohamed Sulaiman, Daing Nasir Ibrahim, Zainal Arifin Ahmad, Mohd. Shafie Ariffin (Ed.) Towards Management Excellence in the 21st Century Asia, Penang, Asian Academy of Management and Universiti Sains Malaysia 1997
  3. “International Models of Inter-Religious Dialogue, Ethics and Business From a Muslim Perspective” in Sybille Fritsch-Oppermann (Ed.) Religionen und Wirtschaftethik-Wirtschaftsethik in den Religion, Loccum, Evangelische Akademei, 1999
  4. “Crossing Ethnic Borders in Malaysia: Measuring the Fluidity of Ethnic Identity and Group Formation Akademika 55 (July) 2000: 61-82  (Journal of anthropology and Sociology Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia)
  5. “Social Conflicts in Indonesia and Malaysia: Could the Cause be Religious?” Jurnal Kajian Malaysia 1 & 2 (2000):188-206 (Journal of Malaysian Studies School Of Social Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia)
  6. “Cohesion and Consensus: The prevalence of Ethnic Harmony in a University Campus” Jurnal Pendidik dan Pendidikan 17 (2000-01): 91-111 (Journal of education and the Educator School of Education, Universiti Sains Malaysia)
  7. “The Index of Material Civilisation Builder Among the Malays and Chinese: Implication to Human Resource Management” The Fourth Asian Academy of Management Proceeding (AAM) Conference 2001. Asian Management in the New Economy: Prospects and Challenges. Volume 1 (2000-01):149-157
  8. Integrasi Etnik di Institusi Pengajian Tinggi Awam Editor. Institut Penyelidikan Penyelidikan Tinggi Negara, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Monograrf 6/2005
  9. “Kesan Kemiskinan dan Kepinggiran Di Bandar Ke Atas Perpaduan Negara: Kajian Kes Insiden Kampung Medan”, Perpaduan Bil 1/2005:11-24
  10. “Memahami dan Mengurus Ekstremisme Agama Di Malaysia”, REKAYASA, Journal of Ethics, Justice and Governance, Bilangan 1 (2005)
















Incoming search terms:

  • mansor mohd noor
Teruskan membaca

Curriculum Vitae Tuan Hj. Anis Yusal Yusoff



Anis Yusal Yusoff is currently Principal Research Fellow at the Institute of Ethnic Studies (KITA), UKM. He is also the National Coordinator of the National Social Cohesion Programme (PADU)–a RM3.5 million 3-year research programme funded by the Ministry of Higher Education. Anis is the project leader and person responsible to develop KITA-MESRA™, a monitoring system on ethnic relations in Malaysia which acts as an early warning system to manage potential tension and conflict among the community. Prior engagements for Anis include being the founding Director of the Political Sector of the Malaysian Institute of Integrity (MII) and served for over ten years with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) as Assistant Resident Representative in Malaysia and as Programme Specialist for United Nations Volunteers in Bonn, Germany. Anis was most recently appointed as the Senior Fellow at the Institute of Democracy and Economics Affairs (IDEAS)–a think tank dedicated to promoting market-based solutions to public policy challenges in Malaysia. In addition to his academic research, Anis is serving on a number of national advisory councils. To name a few, he is a member of the Advisory Panel for The Consultation and Prevention of Corruption under the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission. He is also an advisory member of the panel for the National Advisory Consumer Council and the National Unity and Integration Training Institute. He also advises the CEO of the Razak School of Government through the RSOG Academic Working Group. Anis has been speaking and writing on issues related to people and development and his research and writings have been published as chapter in books, and as article in a number of journals and newspapers. He is also regularly invited by the national media as an analyst of Malaysian socio-politics to discuss areas related to corruption, money politics and ethnic relations.

Professional Activities:
1. Pro-tem Secretary General, Academy of Social Science & Humanities, Malaysia, 2009-present
2. Member, International Institute for Public Ethics, 2005-present
3. Chairman, Programme Review Committee for the Malaysian AIDS Council, 2004-2006
4. Member, Editorial Board, OPALinks – newsletter of the Old Putera Association of the Royal Military College, 1997-2001
5. Pro-tem Secretary General, Transparency International-Malaysian Chapter, 1996-1999.

10 Main Publications:
1. The Book of Green Books: a select annotated bibliographies of resources on the consumer and the environment, publishedby International Organisations of Consumers Union, Penang, 1991.
2. Information and Indigenous Technological Capacity in Developing Countries, [co-author with Marta Dosa] in Across All Borders: International Information Flows and Applications, Scarecrow Press, London, 1997
3. Understanding ICT for Development (ICT4D) Thematics in Malaysia: A Sourcebook, [co-author with Sharon Y.P. Lim] published by United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), Kuala Lumpur, 2003.
4. Producing Seeds of Integrity: From Roots to Fruits, [co-editor with Nor Yuslinda Yusof], published by the Malaysian Institute of Integrity, Kuala Lumpur, 2006.
5. Menghasilkan benih Integriti: Daripada akar ke buahnya (“Producing Seeds of Integrity: From Roots to Fruits”), [co-editor with Zubayry Abady and Mohd Rais Ramli], published by the Malaysian Institute of Integrity, Kuala Lumpur, 2006.
6. Integriti Politik di Malaysia: Ke Arah Kefahaman Yang Lebih Sempurna (“Political Integrity in Malaysia: Towards a Better Understanding”), [co-editor with Zubayry Abady and Mohd Rais Ramli], published by the Malaysian Institute of Integrity, Kuala Lumpur, 2007.
7. Politik : Isu-isu Semasa 2000-2008 (“Politics: Current Issues 2000-2008”), [Co-editor with Zubayry Abady], published by Utusan Publications, Kuala Lumpur, 2008.
8. Road to Political Integrity: a Road Trip You Won’t Forget, [co-editor with V.Loganathan], published by the Malaysian Institute of Integrity, Kuala Lumpur, 2009
9. Political Integrity in Malaysia: Towards a Better Understanding, (Co-editor with Zubayry Abady and Mohd Rais Ramli]. Published by the Malaysian Institute of Integrity, Kuala Lumpur, 2009.
10. Strengthening Integrity and Reinforcing Trust (International and Regional Cooperation): Proceedings of ASEAN Instegrity Dialogue 2008 [co-editor with Mohd Nizam Mohd Ali], published by the Malaysian Institute of Integrity, Kuala Lumpur, 2009.












Incoming search terms:

  • anis yusal yusoff
Teruskan membaca

Curriculum Vitae Prof Madya Dr. Junaenah Sulehan



Current and past occupation at Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia : Tutor, Faculty of Development Sciences, UKM (1984-1987), Lecturer (1987-2002), Associate Professor, School of Social, Development and Environmental Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, UKM (2002-present)

Education :B.A. (Hons, Second Class Upper) in Anthropolgy and Sociology, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, 1984, M.A. Regional Development Studies and Planning, Institute Social Studies, Hague, Netherlands (1987), Ph.D Sociology of Development, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia,( 2000)

Past and Present Appointment at Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia : Chairperson, Urban & Rural Studies Program (Faculty of Development Sciences, 1989-1992), Head, International Relation, Chancellory’s Office, UKM (2005-2007), Coordinator, Postgraduate Program in Police Sciences, Fac of Social Sciences & Humanities with Royal Malaysian Police College, 2009-2012)

Field of Specialisation : Sociology of Development

Fellowships : Visiting Scholar, Faculty of Political and Social Sciences, University of Cambridge, U.K. (1993 -1994), Visiting Scholar – SSRI ( Social Science Research Institute) International Christian University, Tokyo, ) October, 2005, Visiting scholar, Gender Research in Rural areas, Faculty of Agriculture and Horticulture, HumboltUniversity of Berlin, 2002. Visiting lecturer,  Faculty of Social Sciences, Nagoya City University, Japan, December 2008, 2009, Visiting Lecturer, Faculty of  Social Sciences, Toyo University, Tokyo, 2010.

Research Activities : (selected) Rural women labour force in the Kuching and Samarahan Divisions of Sarawak, East Malaysia – Impact and implication on household income (1988-1989). Political awareness and participation of women in politics in Kuching Division (1989-1990). A study on the environment and impact on female labour force. Case studies in Tawau, Sabah and Limbang, Sarawak (1991-1992). Urbanisation and cultural resilience : The impacts of housing change on newly urbanised communities in Kuching (2000 – 2001).Gender, environment and sustainable development : A case study of highland community, Kampung Mesilou, Kundasang, Sabah, East Malaysia.(2001–2002). Lembah Danum Research Expedition. A socio-economic study of the bird-nest harvesters of the Idahan Community. Implication on gender and change (2003) Community Development : An analyses on Participation and Empowerment in Malaysia and Indonesia.(2005–December 2009. A collabarative research with the Center for Social Empowerment, Universitas Nasional, Jakarta). Poverty among minority groups in Sabah and Sarawak. (2007 – 2008) A study of border communities and development at the Sarawak and Kalimantan frontiers: Case of border communities in Tebedu, Serian District and Serikin, Bau District, Sarawak: ( 2007 – 2009). Readiness and resiliency of Malaysian society for climate change.(2009-2011). Urban poverty studies in major cities of Sarawak (2010 – 2011)

Significant 10 Publications :

  1. Rural communities of the First Division, Sarawak – A Research Note. Jurnal Akademika, No. 36, UKM, Bangi (119 – 124) 1990.
  2. Women and Environment:  Case studies of three riverine communities in Tawau, Sabah. Jurnal Sumber No.9, Faculty of Development Sciences, UKM, Bangi (211-221)1995.
  3. Culture in the new reality : Opportunities and challenges for Sarawak – with co-writer,  Madeline Berma.  The Sarawak Museum Journal.  Vol. LIV, No. 75 (61-77) Dec. 1999.
  4. Addressing the Challenges of Urban Growth in the Era of Globalization. Borneo Review. Volume XIII (II) December 2002 (158-171), with co-writer, Abdul Hadi Harman Shah.
  5. Being Multi-Disciplinary in Development Studies : Why and how. Jurnal Akademika 64(Januari) 2004 (43-63) with co-writer, Madeline Berma
  6. Penyertaan dan Pemerkasaan Komuniti Desa Pembangunan di Malaysia-Indonesia, ( Participation and Community Empowerment in Malaysia and Indonesia) Jurnal PoelitikVol.4 No.2, 2008 (281-300) with co-writers, Ong Puay Liu, Noorahamah Hj. Abu Bakar, Abd. Hair Awang,Yahaya Ibrahim & Mohd Yusof Abd.
  7. Masyarakat, Perubahan dan Pembangunan Karya Darma IV (Society, Change and Development) (Junaenah et. al. Editors) 2005. UKM, Bangi
  8. Indonesia and Malaysia in Globalization and Decentralization Era. Junaenah Sulehan et. Al, (Editors) 2007. Bandung : Universiti Kebangsaan Press and Universitas Padjajaran Press,
  9. Migration, security and resilience : women migrants in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, East Malaysia. Philippines Journal of Labor and Industrial relations. University of Philippines. Vol xxx. No. 1 & 2. (181-209), 2010.  with co-writers, Rashila Ramli & Nor Azizan Idris
  10. Communities at the edge : Pulau Banggi in transition. Hakusan Review of Anthropology. Tokyo. Vol .13, (43-52) March 2010. with co-writer Abd Hair Awang.

Professional affiliation (selected)

  1. Member, Malaysian Association of Social Sciences –since 1988
  2. Member/committee member, SAMA(South East Asian Association of Gender Studies) since 1993
  3. Committee, Social and Community Development Profile, Sarawak Development Institute (1997 –  )
  4. Committee Member, Asia-Pacific Forum on Women, Law and Development (2007 – )













Incoming search terms:

  • professor madya dr junaenah sulehan
Teruskan membaca

Curriculum Vitae Prof. Dr. Wan Kamal Mujani





Pendidikan: B.A (Hons.), al-Azhar, Mesir (1992), SPI, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (1997), Ph.D., The Uni. Of Manchester, UK (2006)

Pengalaman: Mengajar, menyelidik dan menulis di UKM selama 20 tahun bermula sejak 1993. Sebelum itu, pernah bertugas di sekolah rendah dan menengah kebangsaan pada 1987 dan 1992-1993. Berpengalaman membentang kertas kerja di Indonesia, Jepun, Korea, Australia, Sri Lanka, Greece, Romania, UK dan lain-lain. Mempunyai networking akademik dengan beberapa buah institusi dan universiti luar seperti IRCICA, University of Marmara, Markfield Institution, Universiti of Manchester, University of Edinburgh, University of Leipzig, University of Ghent, Foreign University of Busan, University of Kyoto, IAIN Imam Bonjol dan lain-lain.

Jawatan Dulu & Sekarang: Guru: Sekolah Rendah Kebangsaan Kuala Samak, 09300 Kuala Ketil, Kedah (1987) Guru: Sekolah Menengah Khir Johari, 08000 Sg. Petani, Kedah (1992-1993), Tutor: Jabatan Pengajian Arab &   Tamadun Islam, FPI, UKM (24hb Febuari 1993-15 Mei 1997), Pensyarah:  Jabatan Pengajian Arab &   Tamadun Islam, FPI, UKM (16hb Mei 1997-25hb Disember 2006), Pensyarah Kanan: Jabatan Pengajian Arab & Tamadun Islam, FPI, UKM (26hb Disember 2006 – 17hb Nov 2008), Profesor Madya: Jabatan Pengajian Arab & Tamadun Islam, FPI, UKM (18hb Nov 2008 – kini).

Pentadbitan: Ketua Pengurusan Kualiti, Fakulti Pengajian Islam, UKM (1 April 2007 – 30 April 2009), Timbalan Pengarah, Kembangan Pendidikan, UKM (1 Mei 2009 – 31 Disember 2009), Felo Kanan, Institut Kajian Rantau Asia Barat (IKRAB) (11 Ogos 2008 – 10 Ogos 2010), Timbalan Pengarah, Institut Kajian Rantau Asia Barat (IKRAB) (1 Jan 2010 – 31 Dis 2012)

Aktivisme Profesional: Member Of Economic History Society, London; Member Of Institute For Mediterranean Studies, Pusan University Of Foreign Studies, Korea;  Alumni Of The Manchester University, United Kingdom; Member Of OSA (The Oriental Society Of Australia), University Of Sydney; Member Of BRISMES (British Society For Middle Eastern Studies), UK & Member Of PBMITT (Persatuan Bekas Mahasiswa Islam Timur Tengah)

Pencapaian Dalam Bidang Penyelidikan: BRISMES Research Award 2003 (Ph.D. Research Grant awarded by British Society for Middle Eastern Studies); Anugerah Keahlian Kehormat Seumur Hidup – Persatuan Kebudayaan Malaysia-Turki (PKMT); Perdana Leadership Foundation Research Awards, Yayasan Kepimpinan Perdana, Putrajaya; Best Paper Award Certificate daripada pihak Kumpulan Penyelidikan UKM-EP-05-FRGS0059-2009 dan Kumpulan UKM-OUP-CMNB-03-12/2010 dalam International Seminar on Management Research 2010 di FEP, UKM; Pemenang Anugerah Penyelidikan (Berkumpulan) UKM (AKRAB: UKM-OUP-JKKBG-02-4/2009); Anugerah Budaya Kualiti (Anugerah Khas Kualiti UKM Tahun 2008); Anugerah Penyelidikan Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (2007); Anugerah Pingat Perak bagi Pertandingan Poster untuk Kumpulan Penyelidikan (UKM-GUP-JKKBG-08-10-040) dalam Seminar Pemantauan Penyelidikan dan Penerbitan Fakulti Pengajian Islam 2010; Anugerah Pingat Perak bagi Pertandingan Poster untuk Kumpulan Penyelidikan (UKM-GUP-TKS-08-07-291) dalam Seminar Pemantauan Penyelidikan dan Penerbitan Fakulti Pengajian Islam 2010 dan Anugerah Pingat Gangsa bagi Pertandingan Poster untuk Kumpulan Penyelidikan (UKM-PP-05-FRGS0002-2007) dalam Seminar Pemantauan Penyelidikan dan Penerbitan Fakulti Pengajian Islam 2010

Aktivisme Penyelidikan:

Ketua Kumpulan Penyelidikan Kebudayaan Arab dan Peradaban Islam (UKM-OUP-TKS-8/2007); (UKM-OUP-JKKBG-10-41/2008); (UKM-OUP-JKKBG-09-38/2009); (UKM-OUP-CMNB-09-38/2010)

– Menyelia: 6 pelajar PhD dan 6 pelajar MA telah dihasilkan. Kini menyelia 10 pelajar di peringkat PhD dan 5 di peringkat MA

– Menerbit: telah menerbit beberapa buah buku, artikel dalam journal dan majalah popular di peringkat kebangsaan dan luar negara

– Menyunting dan menilai: Telah menyunting beberapa buah buku di Malaysia dan menilai journal di peringkat antarabangsa, juga menjadi pemeriksa tesis PhD dan MA di Malaysia


Penerbitan: telah menulis lebih 70 jurnal (kebangsaan & antarabangsa) dan beberapa buah buku asli sejak di UKM


Penerbitan terpilih:

  1. Wan Kamal Mujani & Ron P. Buckley. 2008. Agriculture and Industry During The Mamluk Period (872-922/1468-1517). Faculty of Islamic Studies, National University of Malaysia: Ampang Press Sdn. Bhd. 134 pages. (ISBN 978-983-2234-56-2)
  2.  Wan Kamal Mujani. 2009. Sejarah Dinar Dari Zaman Pra Islam Sehingga Zaman ‘Uthmani. Bangi : IKRAB, UKM. 64 hlm. (ISBN 978-983-44585-3-9)
  3.  Wan Kamal Mujani (et al.). 2010. Proceedings of IKRAB International Seminar on Malaysia-West Asian Civilization Culture. Bangi : IKRAB, UKM. 1031  hlm. (ISBN 978-983-44585-8-4)
  4.  Noor Inayah Yaakub, Wan Kamal (et al.). 2011. ‘Evaluation of the Egyptian Agricultural Development During the Mamluk Era.’ AEJAES. Vol.10. No.1. pp 1-8. (ISI Journal)
  5.  Wan Kamal (et al.). 2011. ‘The Effects of the Bedouin Marauding on the Mamluk Economy (872-922AH/1468-1517AD).’ Middle East Journal of Scientific Research. Vol.7. Issue 7. Pp.71-80. (ISI Journal)
  6.  Wan Kamal (et al.). 2011. ‘Some Notes on The Iqta‘ System in Mamluk Period’. Middle East Journal of Scientific Research. Vol.7. Issue 7. Pp.103-107. (ISI Journal)
  7.  Noor Inayah Yaakub, Wan Kamal (et al.). 2011. ‘A Note on the Mamluk Historians’ Description of Plagues in Egypt.’ Middle East Journal of Scientific Research. Vol.7. Issue 7. Pp.108-111. (ISI Journal)
  8.  Noor Inayah Yaakub, Wan Kamal (et al.). 2011. ‘The Foreign Influences on the Mamluk Economy (1468-1517).’ Middle East Journal of Scientific Research. Vol.7. Issue 7. Pp.121-130. (ISI Journal)
  9.  Wan Kamal Mujani. 2009.  “Faktor Kemerosotan Sektor Perdagangan Mamluk (872-922H/1468-1517M) : Suatu Analisis Berdasarkan Sumber Sejarah.” International Journal of West Asian Studies.Vol.1, hlm. 1-24. (listed in Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), ULRICHS WEB GLOBAL Serials Directory and Index Islamicus)
  10.  Wan Kamal Mujani. 2006. (Terbitan 2008) ‘The Monetary System During The Mamluk Period 872/1468-922/1517’, in ISLAMIYYAT. Vol. 28. Hlm. 29-43. (Indexed in Index Islamicus)
  11.  Wan Kamal Mujani. 2010. “Sejarah Politik Mamluk (648-922H/1250-1517M): Suatu Pengamatan Berdasarkan Sumber Primer dan Sekunder.” International Journal of West Asian Studies. Vol.2, No.2, hlm. 17-45. (listed in Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), ULRICHS WEB GLOBAL Serials Directory and Index Islamicus)
  12. Wan Kamal Mujani. 2007-2008. ‘The Deterioration of Trade and Commerce during the Mamluk Period in Egypt (1468-1517).’ THE JOURNAL OF THE ORIENTAL SOCIETY OF AUSTRALIA. Vol. 38-39, pp. 385-417.  (listed in ULRICHS WEB GLOBAL Serials Directory)
  13. Wan Kamal Mujani. 2007/2008. ‘Kemerosotan Sektor Perindustrian Pada Zaman Mamluk : Suatu Analisis Sejarah Dari Tempoh 872/1468 Hingga 922/1517.’ JOURNAL OF AL-TAMADDUN. Vol.3, hlm.131-161. indexed in Index Islamicus & Malaysian Abstracting and Indexing System (MyAIS)


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Curriculum Vitae Dr. Mohd Ibrani Shahrimin Adam Assim






  1. Fenomena Pengulangan Penagihan Dadah Dalam Kalangan Banduan Belia Di Penjara Pulau Pinang (2011)
  2. Cabaran Intrinsik Pembangunan Belia di Malaysia (2011)
  3. A sociocultural case study of indigenous children in a multimedia computer environment (2010)
  4. Malaysian Children’s Interactions on the Prevalence of Road Safety: A Case Study in Primary Schools in Kelantan (2010)
  5. A case study: Collaborative interactions of preschool children with learning disabilities in the computer classroom (2010)
  6. Children, Computers and Collaborations: Insights on categories and interaction patterns (2010)
  7. Kanak-kanak Sekolah Rendah (2008)
  8. Kanak-kanak Pra sekolah  (2008)
  9. Modul Ketrampilan Graduan Finishing School  (2008)
  10. Perkaitan antara kulaiti tingkahlaku keibubapaan dan estim diri anak sekolah rendah (2008)
  11. Kanak-kanak, remaja dan internet (2007)
  12. Children as Road user: A Case Study of Road Safety  (2007)
  13. FEM4000 Current issues in human development module  (2007)
  14. FEM4101 Motivation and Human Achievement  (2007)












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Curriculum Vitae Prof. Madya Dr. Chua Bee Seok



Pengalaman penyelidikan, mengajar, dan menulis selama 14 tahun. Pengalaman kerja pertama adalah sebagai Human Resource Administrator (pada tahun 1997) di Borneo Pulp & Paper, Sdn. Bhd.. Mula berkhidmat di Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) semenjak 1998 hingga sekarang. Sepanjang berkhidmat di Universiti Malaysia Sabah pernah memegang jawatan sebagai: Timbalan Dekan Penyelidikan dan Pembangunan (2004 – 2006), Penyelaras Program Psikologi Industri & Organisasi (2008 – 2010), Profesor Madya Sekolah Psikologi dan Kerja Sosial, semenjak 2008, Ketua Unit Penyelidikan Psikologi dan Kesihatan Sosial, semenjak 2010 sehingga kini.

Pencapaian: Sepanjang berkhidmat di UMS (14 tahun pengalaman) telah terlibat dalam 22 projek penyelidikan (termasuk, projek penyelidikan LRGS, IRPA, Science Fund, ERGS, FRGS, Top Down UMS, dan Penyelidikan Pensyarah muda UMS) sama ada sebagai ketua projek atau ahli projek. Telah menghasilkan 22 buah artikel berwasit yang diterbitkan dalam jurnal peringkat kebangsaan atau antarabangsa.  Telah menghasilkan buku tajuk berkaitan dengan tekanan, motivasi, kepimpinan, dan analisis data. Pernah menerima Anugerah Prestasi dan Perkhidmatan Cemerlang (2005), Anugerah Prestasi dan Perkhidmatan Terpuji (2009), Anugerah Pensyarah Kometed Sekolah Psikologi dan Kerja Sosial (2005), Anugerah Dekan Fakulti Sains Kemasyarakatan dan Kemanusiaan, UKM, (1996)

Pendidikan: Sarjana Muda Sastera Dengan Kepujian, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (1996); Sarjana Sastera (Psikologi Industri dan Organisasi), Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (1997); Doktor Falsafah, Universiti Malaysia Sabah (2003)

Aktivisme Profesional:

  1. Associate Advisor Di Pusat Penyelidikan Klinikal (CRC), Hospital Queen Elizabeth, Kota Kinabalu (2011–2013)
  2. Ahli Panel Penilai Penyelidikan FRGS dan ERGS Peringkat Universiti Malaysia Sabah (2010 – 2012; 2012 – 2014).
  3. Member of Stress and Anxiety Research Society (STAR)
  4. Member of Asian Indigenous and Cultural Psychology Association

Aktivisme Penyelidikan:

  • Menyelia 4 PhD & 4 MA, 98 Pelajar Sarjana Muda yang telah berjaya (2 orang MA dan 98 orang Sarjana Muda) dan dalam proses.
    • Menerbit 22 artikel akademik berwasit, 8 buah buku.
  • Menyumbang  8 bab dalam buku dalam bidang psikologi.
    • Penilai untuk Jurnal Kinabalu, Journal Psychology Southeast Asia dan Jurnal Manu.
    • Menghasilkan 1 copyright (Modul Pengurusan Stres Wanita)

Pemeriksa Tesis MA & PhD: Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia; Universiti Malaysia Sabah.

10 Penerbitan Utama:

  1.  Stres Pekerjaan, Kepuasan kerja dan masalah kesihatan mental di kalangan pekerja Sabah. Penerbitan Universiti Malaysia Sabah.
  2.  Teori-Teori Motivasi: Dalam Psikologi Industri dan Organisasi. Penerbitan Universiti Malaysia Sabah.
  3.  Stres Dalam Kalangan Ibu Tunggal. Penerbitan Universiti Malaysia Sabah.
  4.  Teori-teori kepemimpinan dalam psikologi industri dan organisasi. Penerbitan Universiti Malaysia Sabah.
  5.  Modul dan Buku Kerja Stres Wanita Luar Bandar.
  6.  Kecerdasan emosi, stress kerja dan masalah kesihatan mental jururawat di Sabah. Siri Kertas Penyelidikan Psikologi dan Kesihatan Sosial. Bil 1. Disember 2011.
  7.  Personaliti, motivasi dan prestasi kerja dalam kalangan belia Malaysia. Siri Kertas Penyelidikan Psikologi dan Kesihatan Sosial. Bil 2. Disember 2011.
  8.  Hubungan di antara kecerdasan emosi, ketahanan (hardiness) dan burnout dalam kalangan pekerja social. Siri Kertas Penyelidikan Psikologi dan Kesihatan Sosial.   Bil 7. January 2012.
  9.  The influence of ethnicity, gender, personality, life satisfaction and number of childeren in family on child abuse potential. Hong Kong Journal of Paediatrics, 6 (1), 40-43.
  10.  Strategi daya tindak dan sumber tekanan pekerjaan: Satu kajian di kalangan pekerja kilang yang mengalami masalah kesihatan mental dan fizikal. Jurnal Psikologi Malaysia, 15, 171-186.










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