
Please click the title or poster to view the webinars

Wild Junction Conserve & Protect | Mangrove! [18 May 2020]

KETSA-ERE International Day for Biological Diversity | Ecosystem Services [21 May 2020]

WWF-Malaysia Monday Blues Coastal Frontliners | Mangroves [15 June 2020]

Malaysian Sea Scout World Ocean Day [18 June 2020]

ASM-MSAF International Day of the Tropics | Tropical Biodiversity and Natural Resources: An Overview [29 June 2020]

ASM-MSAF – People & Mangroves [28 July 2020]

UPSI SDG Webinar – Penerapan Kelestarian Alam Sekitar di Universiti-universiti di Malaysia [12 October 2020]

Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries Indonesia’s Bincang Bahari Webinar Series #9: Mangrove Restoration in a Changing Climate | Is Mangrove Restoration Being Done Right? [4 November 2020]

UiTM Marine Resource Management | Mangroves [20 November 2020]

British High Commission Malaysia’s Deep Dive Webinar on Blue Carbon Rising: Revitalising Conservation and Management of Coastal Wetlands and Seascapes for Climate and Nature Resilience | Blue Carbon: The Forgotten Realm of Nature [10 December 2020]

U-Inspire Malaysia Earth Day Webinar | Kepentingan Tempatan dan Peranan Global Hutan Bakau [22 April 2021]

EKOMAR Seminar Series 1/2021 | Mangroves: A Nature’s Love Story [27 May 2021]

Malaysia Sea Scouts Webinar #5: Hari Konservasi Ekosistem Bakau Antarabangsa | Welcome to the Mangroves! [3 July 2021]

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HNpJpjLBmRI | Facebook: https://fb.watch/v/1Qm6s2p8F/

Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources Webinar Kebangsaan Pengurusan dan Pemuliharaan Ekosistem Hutan Paya Laut | Tak Kenal Maka Tak Cinta: Peranan Ilmu dalam Penghayatan Kelestarian Hutan Bakau [26 July 2021]

Koperasi Komuniti Kampung Kilim Webinar: Sambutan Hari Bakau Sedunia 2021 | Kepentingan dan Peranan Hutan Bakau dan Komuniti [27 July 2021]

Malaysian Nature Society Kuala Selangor Nature Park Webinar | Mangrove for Climate Mitigation and Adaptation [28 July 2021]

Young Reporters for the Environment & Green Growth Asia Foundation Explore Green Writing Workshop | Write! Communicate! Be the Voice of Nature and the Environment, Be the Voice of Your Generation! [14 August 2021]

MEITA-TEIN & Malaysian Nature Society Mangrove Education Webinar Series | Getting to Know the Mangroves [25 August 2021]

The 3rd National Workshop on Coastal & Marine Geology | Coastal Resources: Mangrove [30 August 2021]

UTP Impacts of Climate Change on Coastal Sustainability Forum | Mangroves vs. Climate Change [15 September 2021]

Lions Club Kuala Lumpur Central | Mangroves vs. Climate Change [14 October 2021]

UMT REEFS RIG Webinar on Marine Ecosystem Restoration Potential and Challenges | Are mangrove restoration and rehabilitation being done right? [20 October 2021]

CIMB Group Transaction Banking Live Webinar | Mangroves: The Unconditional Love Story of Nature [21 October 2021]

National Landscape Department Malaysia Botanic Garden Webinar 2021 | Ex-situ Conservation and Management [9 December 2021] [Morning Session] [Afternoon Session]

Malaysian Nature Society Sabah | Important Bird & Biodiversity Area (IBA) & Waterbirds Conservation Training Workshop #1: Overview [13 December 2021]

MNS Otter Conservation Project | The Human-Otter Conflict Resolution Workshop [20-22 December 2021]

Malaysian Nature Society EcoCare | Webinar Lestari Belia Lestari Bakau [23 December 2021]

The Planet Prodigy | Protecting Nature & Biodiversity: Malaysia [15 January 2022]

Reef Check Malaysia | Conversations on Conservation 1: What’s the big deal? Why do we need to conserve marine ecosystems? [16 February 2022]

MajalahSains.com | Peranan hutan bakau dalam menangani krisis perubahan iklim dunia [16 Mac 2022]

Ecolawgy UM Lex Aquatica MPPLC Seminar | Climate change mitigation and adaptation [22 April 2022]

Malaysia Sea Scouts Webinar | Hari Konservasi Ekosistem Bakau Sedunia [2 July 2022]

YouTube | Facebook

Astro Awani LINC | The secret of why mangrove forests can save our ecosystem [29 November 2022] [Facebook] [YouTube]

Think City & UN-Habitat | Panel Forum on Nature-based Climate Adaptation Solutions for Urban Areas in Malaysia [31 January 2023]

Malaysian Nature Society | World Wetlands Day 2023 Webinar [11 February 2023]

Academy of Sciences Malaysia | International Day for the Conservation of the Mangrove Ecosystems Pre-TropSc2024 Conference Webinar: Protection and Restoration of Mangrove Ecosystems in the Tropics [26 July 2023]

Sultan Mizan Antarctic Research Foundation Webinar | Webinar Yayasan Penyelidikan Antartika Sultan Mizan | 18 January 2024 | Peranan Hutan Bakau dalam Memerangi Krisis Perubahan Iklim. [YouTube] [Facebook] [Instagram].

UNESCO-UKM. 20 January 2024. The Great Deal of Protecting and Conserving Coastal and Marine Ecosystems.

Global Tiger Forum Webinar | 9 February 2024 | Mangroves are awesome: Safeguarding coastal wetlands in Malaysia.

UPM Webinar | 2 May 2024 | Wetlands and blue carbon.