
For Oral Presenters:

  • You are kindly requested to be in the presentation room at least 15 minutes before the session starts.​
  • The meeting room will be equipped with a laptop, laser pointer, LCD projector and screen. The laptop will be configured with Windows Operating System capable of showing PowerPoint slides, PDFs, and basic audiovisuals.​

For Poster Presenters:

  • The poster must cover the same material as the abstract submitted and include the title, authors’ name, affiliation, and e-mail address. You have complete freedom in displaying the contents of the poster.
  • The maximum poster size is A0 with a vertical (portrait) orientation. The organiser will provide the poster boards. However, the organiser will provide minimal stationery as needed. Thus, presenters are requested to bring stationery for affixing their posters, according to the suitability of their poster material. Thank you for your understanding.
Picture of poster board