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Adoption of Digital Marketing Technology: A Case Study of Terengganu SME Batik Entrepreneurs

Rozita Halina Rosli, Noor Hasni Juhdi


The world is being hit by the wave of digital marketing. Entrepreneurs need to compete and leverage digital technology in marketing to continue to be successful. The question is, how do SME batik entrepreneurs, who produce heritage products, take advantage of digital technology in marketing their products? The purpose of this study is to review the factors that influence the adoption of digital marketing channels among SME batik entrepreneurs in Malaysia. The research survey has employed a qualitative approach with the case study method, involving interviews with six small and medium-sized batik entrepreneurs in Terengganu. This study is analyzed using the inductive method model of Miles, Huberman, and Saldana which involves several steps of coding by finding themes and patterns. The results of the study found that the adoption of digital marketing technology is focused on the use of social media channels followed by mobile marketing, e-commerce markets, websites, and finally search engine optimization. Meanwhile, the barrier factors found are knowledge and digital technology skills, financial resources, business resources, environmental uncertainty, market position, digital content development, and intellectual property management. The results of the study provide an empirical contribution related to the adoption of digital marketing technology and its obstacles, which can be used as a guideline in supporting the development of SME entrepreneurs in Malaysia.


Adoption; digital marketing technology; social media; small medium enterprises.


Information Systems