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Water Quality Monitoring System Using Lora Network

Chan Jian Siang, Azana Hafizah Mohd Aman, Mohd Syazwan Baharuddin, Zainab S. Attarbashi, Mohamad Sirajuddin Jalil


Environmental pollution has occurred over the past few decades. Air pollution, water pollution and soil pollution are the three main pollutions that occur on our Earth due to human vulnerability. Despite the development of technology, new forms of pollution have emerged, including light and noise pollution. Technology development has attempted to make environmentally friendly products or raise awareness of the issue, but it has not always been successful. The difficulty of detecting water pollution makes it one of the pollutants that is challenging to manage. Some pollution, such as illegal oil dumping into the sea and oil spills, cannot be identified early and has harmful effects on the environment that cannot be reversed. This can cause adverse effects not only on aquatic life, but also on humans when we eat seafood. Thus, this system was created to specifically deal with water pollution by obtaining data using sensors for pH, turbidity, and temperature. The data will then be sent to the user's smartphone in real time over the LoRa network due to the network's ability to transmit data over long distances. Any abnormal data readings will be reported to the user, who may then notify the authorities to reduce any bad effects on water immediately.


LoRa, IoT, Water Pollution


Industrial Informatics