Jabatan Biokimia Fakulti Perubatan

Biochemistry Research Laboratory Expedition 2024 (SMA MAIWP)

PROGRAM: Biochemistry Researh Laboratory Expedition

PARTICIPANTS: Form 4 Students, Sekolah Menengah Agama Majlis Agama Islam Wilayah Persekutuan (SMA MAIWP)

DATE: 11th July 2024

– Snap Freeze (Liquid Nitrogen Application)
– Acidic or Alkaline? (Purple Cabbage pH Indicator)
– You’re So Tiny (Microscope Observation)
– How Does Animal in Laboratory Looks Like? (Rats-Petting & Displaying Organ-Respiratory)
– DNA Extraction from Blood
– Visit to the Anatomy Museum
– Visit to the Dissection Hall

– Unit Makmal Pelbagai Guna, Level 8, Preclinical Building.
Anatomy Museum, Level 3, Preclinical Building.
Dissection Hall, Level 1, Preclinical Building.