Jabatan Biokimia Fakulti Perubatan

Biochemistry Research Laboratory Expedition 2024 (Tadika APC Pintar)

PROGRAM: Biochemistry Researh Laboratory Expedition

PARTICIPANTS: APC Pintar Kindergarten, Mantin, Negeri Sembilan

DATE: 11th January 2024

– Scientist Talk Show
– Color Wheel
– Blowing up Balloons
– Aseptic Technique
– Ratatouille in The Lab
– Visit to the Gallery of the Department of Parasitology & Medical Entomology

– Seminar Room, Department of Bichemistry, Level 17, Preclinical Building.
– Unit Makmal Pelbagai Guna, Level 8, Preclinical Building.
Gallery of the Department of Parasitology & Medical Entomology, Level 6, Preclinical Building.