China-Malaysia (UESTC-UKM) Postdoc Recruitment

Postdoc Positions in Information Materials and Devices Group (Co-supervision UKM – UESTC)

Information Materials and Devices Group (IMD)
Institute of Fundamental and Frontier Science (IFFS)
University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (UESTC)
Chengdu, China
Collaboration with The National University of Malaysia

About UESTC and IFFS:
UESTC is a National Key University situated in Chengdu, Sichuan province. The University is admitted into both National “Project 985” and “Project 211” in China and has been one of the National Class A “World-Class Universities” since 2017. During the fourth evaluation of Chinese National First-class disciplines, four of the UESTC’s disciplines were awarded as Class A, among which Electronic Science and Technology, Information and Communication Engineering won Class A+. Globally, the disciplines of Engineering, Materials Science, Computer Science, Chemistry, Neuroscience and Behavior Science, Biology and Biochemistry, Mathematics and Physics have reached among the top 1% of ESI ranking, specifically, the disciplines of Engineering and Computer Science have reached among the top 1‰ of ESI ranking. To speed up the progress of building UESTC as a high-level research university and to reinforce its ability of innovative initiatives, IFFS was established as a special academic zone in 2014, under the leadership of honorary President, Prof. Guangcan Guo (Fellow of the Chinese Academy of Sciences), and the Dean, Prof. Zhiming Wang.
About IMD Group:
The IMD group includes many world-renowned academicians and national experts and professors in China, together with more than one third of International students and postdoctoral researchers. The IMD group has established strong collaboration with tens of universities and research institutions from Europe, North America and Australia, to support the joint research projects of postdoctoral and graduate students.
The full-time and part-time professors of the IMD group include: Prof. Zhiming Wang (National Distinguished Expert), Prof. Jiang Wu (National Youth Distinguished Expert), Prof. Xin Tong (UESTC-100 Talents Program); Prof. Alexander O. Govorov (Fellow of American Physical Society), Prof. Federico Rosei (Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada, Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Engineering), Prof. Chennupati Jagadish (Fellow of the Australian Academy of Sciences, Fellow of the Australian Academy of Engineering), Prof. Hao-Chung Kuo (Changjiang Chair Professor), Prof. Alexander Lvovsky and Prof. Markus B. Raschke (Short-term National Distinguished Foreign Experts), Prof. Harry Eugen Ruda and Prof. Matjaz Valant (Overseas Distinguished Professor), Prof. Roberto Morandotti (Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada), Prof. Jiming Bao and Prof. Alexey Belyanin (Fellow of The Optical Society of America (OSA), Fellow of the American Physical Society (APS), and UESTC Adjunct Professors including Prof. Arup Neogi, Prof. Yu-Lun Chueh, Prof. Qiandong Zhuang, and 30 more IFFS Adjunct Professors.
Our research interests include semiconductor optoelectronic materials and devices, plasmon photonics, advanced energy materials and devices, flexible electronics, nanoelectronics, thermoelectric materials, surface science, and theoretical simulation etc. To date, supported by various national funding in China, our group has carried out innovative research in these fields with publication in prestigious journals including Science, Nature, Nature Nanotechnology, Nature Photonics, Nature Communications, Science Advances, Advanced Materials, Advanced Energy Materials, Nano Letters and PANS etc. We sincerely welcome global talented young scientists to join us as postdoctoral fellows.
1. Applicant should be under the age of 35 with moral integrity and good health.
2. Applicant must be a foreign or returned doctor who obtained a doctorate degree in the last 3 years.
3. Applicant should graduate from the top 100 universities or top 100 disciplines in the world (Please refer to the latest academic ranking of Shanghai World Soft Science Academic Ranking of World Universities, Times Higher Education World University Ranking, QS World University Ranking and U.S. News World Report). Applicant from “The Belt and Road” countries should graduate from Top 3 universities in the country.

4. Applicant should already have outstanding publications.
5. We prefer the applicant with research experience in Optoelectronic Materials/Devices, Plasmon Photonics, Advanced Energy Materials/Devices, Materials Simulation.
6. Applicant from non-English speaking countries should have excellent English (or Chinese) listening, speaking, reading and writing skills.
Salary and Benefits:
1. Salary more than 200,000 RMB per year. (Abt more than RM 10K monthly)
2. Postdoctoral Apartment (Rent free).
3. Publication Rewards from IMD group.
4. Having priority to be hired in UESTC after finishing post-doctoral research.

Requirement for term No.3.
“Applicant should graduate from the top 100 universities or top 100 disciplines in the world (Please refer to the latest academic ranking of Shanghai World Soft Science Academic Ranking of World Universities, Times Higher Education World University Ranking, QS World University Ranking and U.S. News World Report). Applicant from “The Belt and Road” countries should graduate from Top 3 universities in the country.”


IMD团队现有全职和兼职师资包括:王志明教授,巫江教授,电子科技大学“校百人计划”童鑫研究员,美国物理学会会士(APS Fellow)Alexander O. Govorov教授,加拿大皇家科学院院士、工程院院士Federico Rosei教授,澳大利亚双院院士Chennupati Jagadish教授,教育部教授Hao-Chung Kuo,Alexander Lvovsky教授以及Markus B. Raschke教授,教育部海外名师Harry Eugen Ruda教授以及Matjaz Valant教授,加拿大皇家科学院院士Roberto Morandotti教授,美国光学学会会士(OSA Fellow)、美国物理学会会士(APS Fellow)包吉明教授以及Alexey Belyanin教授,校级协议教授Arup Neogi教授,阙郁伦教授,庄乾东教授,以及30余名院级协议教授。团队研究方向涵盖半导体光电材料与器件、等离激元光子学、新能源材料与器件、柔性电子学、纳米电子学、热电材料、表面科学、以及材料计算与模拟等。
目前,团队已在相关领域开展了创新性研究并取得了阶段性成果,系列成果发表在Science, Nature, Nature Nanotechnology, Nature Photonics, Nature Communications, Science Advances, Advanced Materials, Advanced Energy Materials, Nano Letter, PNAS等国际高水平期刊上,相关研究支撑了多个国家重点研发计划(973)项目和国家自然科学基金项目。

1. 年龄一般不超过35周岁,思想品德端正,身体健康。
2. 申请人须为近3年内获得博士学位的外籍或留学回国博士。
3. 申请人博士毕业学校应为世界排名前100名的高校,或者其博士学位所属学科排名全球前100名(以当年度最新上海软科世界大学学术排名Academic Ranking of World Universities、泰晤士高等教育世界大学排名Times Higher Education World University Ranking、QS世界大学排名QS World University Rankings、U.S.News世界大学排名U.S.News & World Report为参考)。对“一带一路”沿线国家的申请人,条件可放宽至博士毕业学校为本国排名前3名的高校。
4. 已取得突出的研究成果。
5. 具有光电材料与器件、等离激元光子学、新能源材料与器件、材料计算与模拟领域研究经验优先。
6. 非英语国家的人员应具有良好的中文(或英文)听、说、读、写能力。


