About Us
Centre for International Law and Siyar (CILAS)
CILAS is the the first Centre of Excellence at the Faculty of Law, UKM which established in 2014 Vision To become a multi-disciplinary centre of excellence with a focus on legal and international policy and Siyar* in Malaysia, ASEAN and the Muslim countries. Mission- To support the role of UKM as a research university with excellence in the field of law and international relations.
- To support UKM in key result areas, in particular KRA 2 (High Impact Research and Innovation), KRA 3 (Strategic Relations and Partnerships) and KRA 5 (Strategic and Intensive Wealth Generation).
- To become a channel and forum of cooperation programs and foreign aid to the government of developing countries, especially Muslim countries.
- To become a reference centre in helping Malaysia and other countries in policy formation and decision-making related to international affairs.
- To provide programs of research, education, consulting and continuing education to meet the demands for expertise and empowerment among stakeholders, industry players, government and civil society at home and abroad.