Jabatan Sains Biologi & Bioteknologi
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ng Yong Foo
- Coordinator of CIS
- ng_yf@ukm.edu.my
Insect biodiversity I Insect taxonomy, systematics and ecology I Southeast Asia Thysanoptera identification and resource
Dr. Nurul Wahida Othman
- wahida@ukm.edu.my
Insect Physiology I Insect Morphology and Anatomy I Histology
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Salmah Yaakop
- salmah78@ukm.edu.my
Insects Taxonomy and Molecular Systematics
Dr. Izfa Riza Hazmi
- izfahazmi@ukm.edu.my
Insect Taxonomy and Systematics (Coleoptera), Insect Biodiversity
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Wee Suk Ling
- slwee@ukm.edu.my
Insect behaviour I Insect chemical ecology I Insect electrophysiology I Plant-insect, insect-insect and insect‐predator interactions
Prof. Dr. Ahmad Abas Kutty
- abas@ukm.edu.my
Dr. Azman Sulaiman
- as@ukm.edu.my
Insect Biosystematic (taxonomy, classification and nomenclature) of Cicada (Auchenorryncha: Cicadoidea)
Dr. Johari Jalinas
- johari_j@ukm.edu.my
Biological control I Bioacoustic
Dr. Raja Muhammad Zuha Raja Kamal Bashah
- rmzuha@ukm.edu.my
Mr. Muhammad Afiq Bin Senen
- Research Officer
- muhammadafiq.senen@ukm.edu.my
Mr. Mohd Fauzi Mohd Muzamil
- Assistant Science Officer
- mfmm@ukm.edu.my
Mr. Ruslan Md Yusop
- Assistant Science Officer
- ruslan@ukm.edu.my