Pusat Pengajian Citra Universiti |  Bijaksana untuk Memperkasa

Persidangan Pendidikan Umum: Persidangan Pendidikan Am, Pedagogi Dan Penilaian, AAC &U 2023

Persidangan Pendidikan Umum: Persidangan Pendidikan Am, Pedagogi Dan Penilaian, AAC &U 2023

Date: February 9–11, 2023

Location: US, New Orleans

The American Association of Colleges and Universities organised the event (AAC&U)

“People who work with and for institutions innovate, not the institutions themselves. Innovative curricular models appear when inventive educators work together to transform current practises and institutions. – AAC&U (2023) (2023)

University Citra Study Center participated and presented CITRA UKM’s experience in reforming general education at UKM through the participation of the Dean, Prof. Dr. Khairul Anwar Mastor, and Deputy Dean (Communication Competence), Prof. Associate Professor Dr Zarina Othman. This hybrid conference, with the theme The Innovation Imperative: Empowering, Celebrating, and Rewarding Campus Change Agents, serves as a platform for sharing, empowering, and celebrating the changes that educational and higher education institutions have designed and implemented to better serve current and prospective students.

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