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CITRA’s Ihya Ramadan Program Together With Jalinan Kasih Guidance School, Chow Kit

CITRA’s Ihya Ramadan Program Together With Jalinan Kasih Guidance School, Chow Kit

On April 7, 2023, the Ihya Ramadan Citra programme was successfully put into action. The ceremony for the Al-Quran Khatam, the breaking of the fast, and the terawih prayer were all held in the Teknopolis Cyber Academy Hall.

All students, employees, and lecturers participate in the ceremony. Additionally, 30 asnaf pupils from Jalinan Kasih Guidance School in Chow Kit were honoured during the occasion. Datuk Choong Boon Weng, Director of HECTARE Sdn Bhd, was also there as an industry associate.

The Citra Staff Welfare Club and the Citra Student Association (PESISTRA) collaborate to organise the event. McDonalds Bangi deserves praise as well for providing meals for all the attendees.

#extraordinary citral

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