UKM Pusat Pengajian Citra Universiti (School of Liberal Studies) – Citra UKM | Wisdom To Empower

Community Friendly Ceremony & Holiday Banquet Citra University Study Center

Community Friendly Ceremony & Holiday Banquet Citra University Study Center

Tarikh: 19 Mei 2022

Masa: 11.00 pagi

Guest of honour:

Prof. Dr. Mohammad Kassim
Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic & International)

Prof. Dato’ Ir. Dr. Mr. Abdul Wahab Mohammad
Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research & Innovation)

Prof. Dato’ Dr. Norazah Mohd Nordin
Deputy Vice Chancellor (Industry Network, Alumni & Community)

Program Objectives:

A friendly session with PPCU residents & students of SmSn Citra University Citra Study Center


This year’s Aidil Fitri celebration can finally go place after two years of MCO caused by the Covid 19 outbreak. A Hari Raya 2022 celebration was organised by Pusat Citra Universiti, UKM, at the Citra Universiti Center structure. Lecturers, language instructors, office staff, and Pusat Citra students all attended this occasion.

Invited guests Prof. Dr. Mohammad Kassim, Deputy Vice Chancellor (Academic & International), and Prof. Dato’ Ir. Dr. Mr. Abdul Wahab Mohammad attended this occasion as well. Dr. Eva Selenko, a distinguished guest from Lougborough University in the UK and a visiting scholar at the Universiti Citra Center, UKM, attended this year’s Hari Raya celebration at the Universiti Citra Center, UKM. 

Many events were held to add life to the occasion. A poem recitation by Y.Bhg. Dean of Citra Center, Prof. Dr. Khairul Anwar Mastor, a singing performance by Citra Study Center residents, a ketupat chicken competition, a lucky draw, a birthday celebration for Citra School employees, and more are among the events.


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