Chemicals Management Research Group (CMRG)


Research Project 2015

No.Project TitleProject LeaderDonorType of Research*Duration
1Alternative instrument for MyRA: Research Centre of Excellence (RCoE)Dr. Goh Choo TaUniversiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM)Research project1 Jan 2015 – 31 Dec 2016
2Development of Chemical Risk Assessment (CRA) Guidelines and Manual for MalaysiaDr. Goh Choo TaDepartment of Environment (DOE)Consultancy projectApril 2015 – December 2015
3Asbestos containing material (ACM): Mitigation and elimination of potential asbestos exposure.Dr. Goh Choo TaUniversiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM)Research project1 June 2015 – 31 May 2017
4Revision of Emission or Discharge of Pollutants (State of Selangor) Regulation 2012Dr. Goh Choo TaSelangor Water Management Authority (LUAS)Consultancy projectOct 2015 – March 2016
5Developing a framework for the characterization of carcinogenic chemicals in drinking waterDr. Lubna AlamMinistry of Higher Education (MOHE)Research project1 December 2014 -30 November 2016


*Type of research

1) Research project:

Projects awarded by Ministry of Higher Education (MOHE), Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MOSTI) or Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM).

2) Collaborative research project:

Project awarded by agencies other than UKM, MOHE and MOSTI, can be local or international donors

3) Consultancy project:

Consultancy projects, can be local or international, e.g. consultancy projects at UKM Pakarunding (UKMP)