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We are please to announce that our e-CPDelT Learning System is now in operation.
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The research aims to develop the e-CPDelT: model 2020 that sets out to develop a partnership model for online continuing professional development (CPD) of teachers. This is aligned with the key objectives of Vision 2020 that seeks to implement learner-centred approaches to e-learning within all schools by the year 2020, but importantly explores an approach that involves a partnership between Universities and technology enriched schools (Smart schools). Smart schools have been chosen as these teachers have received some training and the schools have received funding to improve their technology infrastructure. It is these teachers who are now facing the considerable challenges of implementing government policy with little ongoing support. A concept pilot funded by UKM and supported by expertise from the University of Nottingham has been established. This involves 20 teachers from 5 Smart Schools in Kuala Lumpur and Shah Alam working within 3 online subject-based communities of practice (Wenger, 1998). The research team act as mentors to support the teachers’ use of the online technologies. The sharing among the teachers were via blogs, forums, a Virtual Interactive Platform (ViP) and ellumiate chatroom platform.

In the second stage the reseach involves all the teachers of the 3 subjects in the 5 selected Smart schools. It will help to develop and support a Continuing Professional Development programme in these schools in partnership with teachers of the 3 subjects and senior managers. It will further assist these schools in working towards the development of school-based communities to share emerging issues, themes and evaluation and eventually develop expertise in managing change in their own institutions and beyond. The pedagogical effectiveness of the sharing and the measures taken will be assessed via questionnaires and interviewes on teachers involved and students in their classes. This model (which includes an online training programme and software) which will be developed based on the findings of this project and proposed to the Ministry of Education for nationwide implementation.

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