“An advantage of tying criteria to standards is that the standards force you to consider other dimensions essential to meeting standards, including those related to impact, process, and knowledge.’ ~Douglas E. Harris
Due to the COVID 19 pandemic situation, ISO 9001 External Audit has been performed through ZOOM platform. CTERM passes the remote audit by SIRIM on 1st and 2nd of October 2020 for our ISO 9001 recertification with no NCR arise. Good job to all CTERM members that ensures the standard had been followed and abide to all the rules and regulations!
12th Floor, Clinical Block,
Hospital Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (HUKM),
Faculty of Medicine, Jalan Yaa’cob Latiff,
56000 Cheras Kuala Lumpur, MALAYSIA.
Phone: +6 03 9145 7670
Email: ctermfper@ukm.edu.my