Sepetang Bersama PMFFar & Hello Green Lung 1

On 7th September 2017 (Thursday), “Sepetang Bersama PMFFar & Hello Green Lung” was held by Persatuan Mahasiswa Fakulti Farmasi (PMFFar) and Green Lung UKM, together with first year students at Lecture Hall 4. It was the first time the members from PMFFar officially presented and introduced themselves to these newbies.

This session was held to share some useful information regarding the pharmacy events and activities, as well as to familiarize the students with university life. PMFFar first presented each bureau’s job scope, and then students were briefly introduced about the upcoming activities and events that will be held along the year. Besides, PMFFar also introduced iFolio (UKM integrated Portfolio Management System) as well as SMP WEB (University Student Information System) to the students. This allowed the students to know the procedure of handling their academic stuff and to get themselves mentally prepared. Besides, this encouraged them to plan their timetable and manage their time wisely.

The session was then followed by the introduction of Green Lung UKM to the first year students. After that, the sharing session was ended with a photo session. Throughout the session, students were advised not only to focus on their academic, but also to be sportive and active. It was definitely a good platform to encourage the students to be proactive in order to enhance their soft skills through participation in activities.

Written by Moo Wen Yee

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