Oath Taking Ceremony 2023

The Oath-Taking Ceremony is a yearly event held by the Faculty of Pharmacy at the National University of Malaysia. It took place on October 13, 2023, at Lecture Hall 1, UKM KL, running from 8 a.m. to 11 a.m. All UKM pharmacy students are required to attend this event.

This ceremony serves two main purposes: to welcome the new batch of pharmacy students and to acknowledge the outstanding academic performance of students in the second semester of the 2022/2023 academic year.

The morning started with the arrival of important guests, the Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy at UKM, Prof. Dr. Mohd Makmor Bakry, and the President of the Malaysian Pharmacists Society, Prof. Amrahi bin Buang, followed by both of them delivering their speeches.

The highlights of the event were the Coating and Oath-Taking Ceremony. Five final-year pharmacy students handed over pharmacist’s white coats to five first-year students, symbolizing the start of their journey towards becoming successful pharmacists. All pharmacy students also took part in the oath-taking ceremony, pledging to uphold the ethical standards of the pharmacy profession.

The ceremony concluded with the recognition of 75 pharmacy students from various academic years for their excellent academic performance in the second semester of the 2022/2023 academic year.

In summary, the Oath-Taking Ceremony at the Faculty of Pharmacy, National University of Malaysia, is an important annual gathering that welcomes new students and acknowledges academic achievements. It reflects the university’s commitment to nurturing future pharmacists and promoting ethical responsibility and academic excellence.

Written by: Wong Yi Hao