Pharmaline workshop 2015 27

Once again, Pharmaline has organized the annual Pharmaline Workshop! This year, non-UKM students were also invited to participate in this workshop. Two guest speakers, Syed Azmi Alhabshi and Dr. Mai Chun Wai were invited. Dr Ng Shiow Fern was the officiator of the event. Syed Azmi Alhabshi, a former UKM […]


By : Alia Suraya Esa, Lee Sin Yee Date: 30th October 2014 – 4th November 2014 Venue: Dewan Tun Abdul Razak (DECTAR) and Dewan Gemilang Theme:First Class Pharmacist In The Making In conjunction with this year’s theme: First Class Pharmacist In The Making’, a booth was set up by undergraduates […]

Green Lung Internal Training 1

As a fresh start and to welcome all the new members, especially the juniors of Green Lung, the second annual activity of Green Lung team which is the Internal Training was held. This activity was organized by the Green Lung committee members with the slogan “ the tobacco industry catches […]

Interaction day (Hari Interaksi) 2014/2015 1

By: Nur Azera, Lee Ying Hui, Lau Ee Ching Date:  18 October 2014 Venue: Kolej Tun Syed Nasir Theme: One Spirit, One Team, One Win            The annual event, Piala Dekan and Interaction Day finally arrived! After various activities done during Piala Dekan, The most exciting […]

Piala Dekan 2014/2015 1

By: Nur Azera, Lee Ying Hui, Lau Ee Ching Date: 27 September 2014 Venue: Kolej Tun Syed Nasir Theme: One Spirit, One Team, One Win            An annual event which is Piala Dekan had been successfully organised by the second year students. The main objective of […]

New Pharmacy Students Oath Taking Ceremony 2014/2015 1

It was 18th Sept 2014, a memorable day for all the new pharmacy students as they recited oath of pharmacist at TIBE hall. The ceremony signifies the rite of passage for students entering their first year in the professional program to affirm their commitment to the values of their profession, such as professionalism, respect, integrity and compassion. The ceremony started off with national anthem and university song, followed by opening ceremony and a speech by  Prof. Dr. Ibrahim […]


A DATE WITH GREEN LUNG As newbies, this would be our first official meeting with Green Lung! After registering and being distributed into groups, our “date” began with a multimedia presentation followed by speeches from the president of Green Lung, Miss Cho Tong Tze and ex-president Mr. Saw PhinKhye. Brief […]