Green Pharmacy

Did you know that improper pharmaceutical waste disposal can affect the environment detrimentally? This year’s Green Pharmacy themed “Greener Future, A Collective Responsibility” consisted of activities ranging from poster competition, video competition, crossword puzzle, quiz as well as a charity recycling and charity sale and webinars to commemorate the event’s […]

PMFFar Volunteering Program: Fundraising (Serum initiative)

In collaboration with SERUM Initiative, the PMFFar Volunteering Programme: Fundraising gave students the opportunity to help raise funds for supplying Covid-19 hygiene kits and reusable sanitary pads in the comfort of their own homes. The fundraising programme was carried out for two weeks and the workshop held on the 5th […]

 MYPSA National Pharmacy Sports Carnival 

The year 2022 marked the 15th year in the history of MyPSA National Pharmacy Sports Carnival (NPSC), an annual sports event that involves 20 pharmacy schools all around Malaysia. With a slogan of “Be the Best, Beat the Rest”, International Islamic University Malaysia had been chosen to host the 15th […]

Sesi Dialog Bersama PMFFar & Pembentangan Mobiliti Antarabangsa

As university students, a vital sense of belonging and being part of the university community is essential in leading a memorable student life. On the 16th of January 2022, an interactive session with PMFFar was organised by the student association of the Faculty of Pharmacy UKM to address students’ inquiries […]

Hari Terbuka Fakulti Farmasi 2022

Hari Terbuka Fakulti Farmasi 2022 is held annually by the Faculty of Pharmacy for students to learn more about Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) through the introduction of academic and curriculum programmes. The event was held on Saturday, 26 February 2022, from 11.30am to 1pm via the application ‘WebEX’ and Facebook […]

49th Convocation Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia

Truly, many of our graduates have been waiting for their convocation day. All of our hard work are towards this day, to stand on the stage and to make our parents proud. On the 5th of December 2021, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia had its 49th Convocation in the new normal setting. […]

Pharmily Day

Pharmily Day is an annual event organised by the Faculty of Pharmacy, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM). The event was held on Saturday, 8 January 2022 via the application ‘Cisco Webex Meeting’. The aim of Pharmily Day is to strengthen the relationships among students and faculty’s staff through e-sports and interactive […]