Fakulti Farmasi | Faculty of Pharmacy, UKM

 Menerajui Farmasi Untuk Kesihatan | Advancing Pharmacy For Health

Postgraduate Opportunity

PhD/ Master studentship

If you are interested in pursuing a PhD or masters in medication management, infectious disease or renal pharmacy, please contact Associate Professor Dr Farida Islahudin

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Postgraduate Opportunity

MSc Opportunity

Title : Application of a predictor tool in identifying medication administration errors among neonates in the NICU.

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Postgraduate Opportunity

MSc opportunity

MSc opportunity Project title: Sacha Inchi (Plukenetia volubilis L.), cultivated in Malaysia: A physicochemical analysis of the seed oil and elucidation of its lipid-lowering mechanism.

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Postgraduate Opportunity

Looking for Research Assistant

In vivo Screening and Identification of Potential Standardised Plant Extracts with Positive Effects on Mental and Physical well being. A project in collaboration with international

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