Fakulti Farmasi | Faculty of Pharmacy, UKM

 Menerajui Farmasi Untuk Kesihatan | Advancing Pharmacy For Health

Research Seminar : Innovation and Commercialization in Healthcare Research

The Centre of Quality Management of Medicines, Faculty of Pharmacy UKM is delighted to announce our first research seminar for this year: Innovation and Commercialization in Healthcare Research

Date                 : 23rd May 2022 (Monday)

Time                 : 2.30pm – 4.00pm (GMT +8)

Platform           : Webex Online Meeting

Prof. Ian Wong holds a joint-appointment as a Chair Professor of Pharmacy Practice at School of Pharmacy, University College of London (UCL) and Lo Shiu Kwan Kan Po Ling Endowed Professorship in Pharmacy at Hong Kong University (HKU). He is also currently the Distinguished International Professor at the Faculty of Pharmacy, UKM.
Prof. Ian Wong is also the Founder of a UCL spin-off company which developed three licensed prescription only medicines in Europe. He also serves as an Independent Non-Executive Director at Jacobson Medical (a publicly listed company). He has also served as a consultant to the World Health Organisation (WHO), the European Medicines Agency, and the Departments of Health in England and Hong Kong.
In this seminar, Prof. Ian Wong will share his experience and insights on executing innovation in healthcare research and its commercialization.

So come and join us!!! Register at

Thank you.