H-Care – ‘Malaysia Negara Tua Menjelang Tahun 2035’

An article on ‘Malaysia Negara Tua Menjelang Tahun 2035’ was published by Kosmo Press on Wednesday, 9 August 2017 in conjunction with the Opening Ceremony of H-Care at T1BE Hall, Faculty of Health Sciences, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) Kuala Lumpur Campus.

Head of Community Rehabilitation Research and Aging (H-Care), Faculty of Health Sciences, UKM, Prof. Dr. Suzana Sahar said Malaysia will be crowned as an old country in 2035 when 12% of the population in the country is from people aged 60 and above.

Full article : http://www.kosmo.com.my/kosmo/content.asp?y=2017&dt=0809&pub=Kosmo&sec=Rencana_Utama&pg=ru_02.htm#ixzz4pQIbKeBA