Dr. Marina Abd Majid
- Lecturer
- +603-89215824
- marina76@ukm.edu.my
Coordinator Master of Social Science
(Strategic and Security Analysis Programme)Experties : International sustainable development law, biosecurity, bioterrorirsm
Mohd Shabri Yusof
- Lecturer
- 03-8921-5555
Nurjanah Mohd Jaafar
- Lecturer
- +60389216596
- nurjanah@ukm.edu.my
Autonomy and Attributions in Language Learning.
Zaharom Ridzwan
- Lecturer
- 03-8921-5555
Encik Muhammad Ajib Abd Razak
- Lecturer
- 603 8921 4049
- muhdajib@ukm.edu.my
Bidang Tugas
Counseling Psychology, Family and Couple Counseling, Rehabilitation & Counseling Islamic Heresy
Marina Abdul Majid
- Lecturer
- +603-8921-5824
- marina76@ukm.edu.my
Dr. Noordeyana Tambi
- Lecturer
- 603 8921 3008
- deyana@ukm.edu.my
Bidang Tugas
Urban and Regional Planning, Tourism Development
Abdul Muein Abadi
- Lecturer
- 03-8921-5711
- muein@ukm.edu.my
Bidang Tugas
International Relations Theory, Political Philosophy, Southeast Asian Politics
Dr. Muhamad Nadzri Mohamed Noor
- Lecturer
- 03-8921-5857
- nadzri@ukm.edu.my
Experties : Ethnicity and nationalism, politics of Southeast Asia, elections
Ngui Yew Kit @ Clarence
- Lecturer
- +603-8921-5363
- ykngui@ukm.edu.my
Puan Sarah Waheeda Muhammad Hafidz
- Lecturer
- 603 8921 5209
- waheeda@ukm.edu.my
Bidang Tugas
Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Testing and Measurement, Counterproductive Work Behaviour
Puan Hilwa Abdullah @ Mohd. Nor
- Lecturer
- 603 8921 5486
- hilwa@ukm.edu.my
Bidang Tugas
Developmental Psychology of Children
Puan Norshaffika Izzaty Zaiedy Nor
- Lecturer
- 603 8921 5236
- Shaffika.izzaty@ukm.edu.my
Dr. Noremy Md. Akhir
- Lecturer
- 03-8921-5555
- noremy@ukm.edu.my
Bidang Tugas
Disaster Management, Community Care and Development
Dr. Nazirah Hassan
- Lecturer
- 03-8921-5555
- nazirah@ukm.edu.my
Bidang Tugas
Forensic Social Work
Puan Rusyda Helma Mohd.
- Lecturer
- 03-8921-5555
- rusyda_h@ukm.edu.my
Bidang Tugas
Human Resource Development, Organizational Learning, Knowledge Management