
UKM Kini 200 Universiti Terbaik Dunia

7 Jun 2018: UKM melonjak kedudukan apabila kini berada dalam kalangan 200 universiti terbaik dunia. Lonjakan yang membanggakan dari tangga 230 ke tangga 184 telah meletakkan UKM sebaris dengan universiti-universiti terkemuka dunia yang lain seperti Universiti Liverpool (151), University of Aberdeen (172), Queens University of Belfast (180) dan University of Reading (195). Fakulti Undang-Undang, UKM (FUU, UKM) sebagai antara pusat pengajian di UKM berasa amat bertuah kerana dapat berkongsi kejayaan ini di samping menjadikan pengumuman oleh QS Quacquarelli Symonds ini sebagai suatu semangat untuk terus meningkatkan kecemerlangan ilmu dan budaya akademia bertaraf global. Berikut adalah petikan ucapan Y.Bhg. Prof. Tan Sri Datuk Dr. Noor Azlan Ghazali, Naib Canselor, UKM berikutan kejayaan UKM pada kali ini:-

“Askm dan Salam Sejahtera, Ahli-Ahli Lembaga Pengarah UKM, Warga UKM serta para Alumni yg saya hormati,

Semoga semua sihat sejahtera serta dirahmati Allah SWT dan didoakan agar Ramadhan membawa keberkatan.

Saya ingin berkongsi satu berita gembira dan membanggakan kita semua-QS World University Ranking 2018/19 (QS WUR 2018/19) secara rasmi diumumkan pada hari ini.

Syukur alhamdulillah, berkat usaha yang bersungguh-sungguh dan keikhlasan semua menyumbang dalam pelbagai cara, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia hari ini mencipta sejarah. Sekali lagi, UKM melonjak hebat dari tangga 230 ke tangga 184 didunia! Berdasarkan penarafan QS WUR ini universiti kita kini berada dalam julat 200 terbaik didunia (World’s Top 200)!

Satu pengiktirafan buat kita semua Warga UKM dan pastinya negara Malaysia yang tercinta. Setinggi tahniah dan terima kasih semua. Hadiah UKM buat rakyat Malaysia! Terima kasih Malaysia atas sokongan dan kepercayaan kepada kami di UKM. Universiti ini adalah universiti kita.

Dalam meniti ke usia 50 tahun sekitar 2 tahun lagi (18 Mei, 2020), kecemerlangan UKM kian menyerlah. Pastinya lonjakan ini adalah hasil titik peluh semua, dari tertubuhnya universiti ini sejak 48 tahun yang lalu (18 Mei, 1970). Kesarjanaan yang dibina serta impaknya kepada negara dalam pelbagai konteks menjadi teras utama kita. UKM Pendaulat Amanah Negara yang Mengilham Harapan dan Mencipta Masa Depan.

Kita bersyukur kepada Allah dengan kejayaan hebat ini dan pastinya diatas bahu kita semua untuk memastikan kecemerlangan UKM ini akan terus diperkukuhkan dimasa akan datang.

Tahniah UKM! UKM kini ditangga ke 184 di dunia. UKM Menjuarai!”

Maklumat ranking terbaharu UKM dan universiti terbaik dunia yang lain boleh dicapai pada laman sesawang berikut:- http://

Target 17.1 Mobilize resources to improve domestic revenue collection.

Target 17.2 Implement all development assistance commitments.

Target 17.3 Mobilize financial resources for developing countries.

Target 17.4 Assist developing countries in attaining debt sustainability.

Target 17.5 Invest in least-developed countries.

Target 17.6 Knowledge sharing and cooperation for access to science, technology, and innovation.

Target 17.7 Promote sustainable technologies to developing countries.

Target 17.8 Strengthen science, technology, and innovation capacity for least-developed countries.

Target 17.9 Enhanced SDG capacity in developing countries.

Target 17.10 Promote a universal trading system under the WTO.

Target 17.11 Increase the exports of developing countries.

Target 17.12 Remove trade barriers for least-developed countries.

Target 17.13 Enhance global macroeconomic stability.

Target 17.14 Enhance policy coherence for sustainable development.

Target 17.15 Respect national leadership to implement policies for sustainable development.

Target 17.16 Enhance the global partnership for sustainable development.

Target 17.17 Encourage effective partnerships.

Target 17.18 Enhance availability of relable data.

Target 17.19 Further develop measurements of progress.

Target 4.1 Free primary and secondary education.

Target 4.2 Equal access to quality pre-primary education.

Target 4.3 Equal access to affordable technical, vocational and higher education.

Target 4.4 Increase the number of people with relevant skills for financial success.

Target 4.5 Eliminate all discrimination in education.

Target 4.6 Universal literacy and numeracy

Target 4.7 Education for sustainable development and global citizenship

Target 4.a Build and upgrade inclusive and safe schools.

Target 4.b Expand higher education scholarships for developing countries.

Target 4.c Increase the supply of qualified teachers in developing countries.

Target 3.1 Reduce maternal mortality.

Target 3.2 End all preventable deaths under 5 years of age.

Target 3.3 Fight communicable diseases.

Target 3.4 Reduce mortality from non-communicable diseases and promote mental health.

Target 3.5 Prevent and treat substance abuse.

Target 3.6 Reduce road injuries and deaths.

Target 3.7 Universal access to sexual and reproductive care, family planning and education

Target 3.8 Achieve universal health coverage.

Target 3.9 Reduce illnesses and deaths from hazardous chemicals and pollution.

Target 3.a Implement the WHO framework convention on tobacco control.

Target 3.b Support research, development and access to affordable vaccines and medicines.

Target 3.c Increase health financing and support health workforce in developing countries.

Target 3.d Improve early warning systems for global health risks.

Target 9.1 Develop sustainable, resilient and inclusive infrastructures.

Target 9.2 Promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization.

Target 9.3 Increase access to financial services and markets.

Target 9.4 Upgrade all industries and infrastructures for sustainability.

Target 9.5 Enhance research and upgrade industrial technologies.

Target 9.a Facilitate sustainable infrastructure development for developing countries.

Target 9.b Support domestic technology development and industrial diversification.

Target 9.c Universal access to information and communications technology.

Target 8.1 Sustainable Economic Growth.

Target 8.2 Diversify, innovate and upgrade for economic productivity.

Target 8.3 Promote policies to support job creation and growing enterprises.

Target 8.4 Improve resource efficiency in consumption and production.

Target 8.5 Full employment and decent work with equal pay.

Target 8.6 Promote youth employment, education and training.

Target 8.7 End modern slavery, trafficking, and child labor.

Target 8.8 Protect labor rights and promote safe working environments.

Target 8.9 Promote beneficial and sustainable tourism.

Target 8.10 Universal access to banking, insurance and financial services

Target 8.a Increase aid for trade support

Target 8.b Develop a global youth employment strategy

Target 6.1 Safe and affordable drinking water.

Target 6.2 End open defecation and provide access to sanitation and hygiene.

Target 6.3 Improve water quality, wastewater treatment and safe reuse.

Target 6.4 Increase water use efficiency and ensure freshwater supplies.

Target 6.5 Implement integrated water resources management.

Target 6.6 Protect and restore water-related ecosystems.

Target 6.a Expand water and sanitation support to developing countries.

Target 6.b Support local engagement in water and sanitation management.

Target 2.1 Universal access to safe, nutritious, and sufficient food.

Target 2.2 End all forms of malnutrition.

Target 2.3 Double the productivity and incomes of small-scale food producers.

Target 2.4 Sustainable food production and resilient agricultural practices.

Target 2.5 Maintain the genetic diversity in food production.

Target 2.a Invest in rural infrastructure, agricultural research, technology and gene banks.

Target 2.b Prevent agricultural trade restrictions, market distortions and export subsidies.

Target 2.c Ensure stable food commodity markets and timely access to information.