Principal Associate Fellow
Line of Expertise: History and society, philosophy, Islamic studies, Islamic thoughts and contemporary issues, aspects of Islamic civilization, Islamic philosophy, ethics, history of the Muslim World and Islam in Southeast Asia
Doctor of Philisophy (Islamic Civilization), Victoria University Manchester
Master of Islamic Civilization, Victoria University Manchester
Bachelor of Islamic Studies, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
Current Position: Lecturer
Office No.:
- Mahfudzah Mustafa, Mohd Sabri Md Nor, Zaid Ahmad & Jayum Jawan, “Terrorism Post 11 September 2001: The Economic Globalisation and Religion (lslamophobia) Perspective, in International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11, no. 11, 2021, pp.62-74
- Zaid Ahmad, “The Civilizational and Cultural Heritage of Iran and the Malay World – Review” in AI- Shajarah: Journal of Islamic Thought and Civilization, 25 no. 1 (2020), pp. 201-205
- Hossein Taghdar, Zaid Ahmad, Abdolreza Alami, “Egypt and the United States after the Egyptian Revolution in 2011” in Pertanika Journal of Social Science and Humanities, 28, no. 3, 2020,77-84
- T. Talib, Nur Ayuni Mohd Isa & Zaid Ahmad, “Respons Ahli Pas Terhadap Pilihan Raya dan Kerjasama Politik” in Journal MANU, vol. 28, 2018, pp. 77-90
- Zaid Ahmad, “Indigenous Epistemology and the Post-Colonial Discourse of Historiography in The Malay World” in Historical Bulletin Official Journal of the Philippine Historical Association, LIi, 2018, pp. 36-50
- Yanan Yang, Zaid Bin Ahmad al.,” Influential Factors on Political Participation of Public University Undergraduates in Hebei Province, China” in Journal of Politics and Law; Vol. 11, No. 4; 2018,77-88
- Yanan Yang, Zaid Bin Ahmad al., “Undergraduates’ Political Participation Behaviors in Public Universities of Hebei Province, China”, in Asian Social Science; Vol. 14, No. 8; 2018, pp. 132-136
- Zaid Ahmad, “A 14th Century Critique of Greek Philosophy: The Case of lbn KhaIdun” im Journal of Historical Sociology, Wiley Blackwell, 30 no. 1, 2017, pp, 57-66
- Ramin Mafakhiri and Zaid Ahmad, ” The Contribution of other Eminent Scholars to Lijphart”s Power- Sharing Theory”, Journal of Public Administration and Governance, 5 no.2, (2015), Macrothink Institute
- Zaid Ahmad & Badrane Benlahcene, “A 20th Century Civilization Discourse Some Notes on Malik Bennabi”, UMRAN Journal of Muslim Affairs, vol., no.1, (2015), Yayasan Dakwah lslamiah Malaysia
- Zaid Ahmad, “Pembinaan Semula Teori Kepemimpinan dan Kepengurusan Rumpun Melayu (Shahrir Mohamad Zain), UMRAN Journal of Muslim Affairs, vol., no. 1, (2015), Yayasan Dakwah lslamiah Malaysia
- Nourullah Pasha & Zaid Ahmad, “Fundamentalism or Pluralism: Iranian Youth’s Orientation”, British Journal of Religious Education, (2014), Routledge Taylor and Francis
- Soltani, F, Jawan & Z. Ahmad, “Constructivism, Christian Reus-Smit and the Moral Purpose of the State” in Asian Social Science, vol. 10, no. 10, 2014, pp. 153-158
- Muhammed Abu Bakar & Zaid Ahmad, “Women and Political Participation: Toward Attainment of 35% Affirmative Action and Obstacles to the Women Participation in Nigerian Politics and Decision Making Process”, Journal of Research in Humanities and Social Science, Vol. 2 Issue. 9 (2014) Quest Journals, pp: 65-71
- Abdulkadir Saba, J. Jawan, Zaid Ahmad & Asnarulkhadi A.A., “Wither Nepad African and Nepad Nigeria? A Preliminary Study of Similarities and Differences”, in The Journal of International Social Research, vol. 4, no. 11, 2011, pp. 274-291
- Najafinejad, Z. Ahmad & J. Jawan, ” Human Rights in Iranian Juridical Approach” in Journal of Cross–Cultural Communication, vol. 6, No. 3, 2010, Canadian Academy of Oriental and Occidental Culture
- Soltani, F, Jawan & Z. Ahmad, “September the 11th 2001and Security Dilemma” in Canadian social Science, vol.6, no. 5, 2010, Canadian Academy of Oriental and Occidental Culture
- Rad Goudarzi, J. Jawan & Zaid Ahmad, “Ayatollah Khomeini and the Foundation of legitimacyof Power and Government” in Canadian Social Science, vol. 5, no. 6, 2009, Canadian Academy of Oriental and Occidental Culture
- N. Ahmad & Zaid Ahmad, “Interpreting lbn Khaldun’s Principles of Urban Planning Toward Sustainability of Cities” in Arab World Geographer, 11, No. 3, 2008, The Arab World Geographer Toronto, Canada
- Zaid Ahmad, “Multiculturalism And Religio-Ethnic Plurality: The Malaysian Experience”, Culture And Religion, 8, No.2, 2007, Routledge,Taylor and Francis
- lsmail,M.M., Zaid Ahmad & Othman,Z., “Elections & Hegemonic Politics: A Malaysian Case”, Jurnal JATI, 12, 2007, Universiti Malaya, pp. 161-174
- Deuraseh, Z. Ahmad& A. T. Talib, “Islamic Medicine in the Muslim World During 11-12th Century: A Preliminary Bibliographical Survey”, International Medical Journal, vol. 4, No.1, June 2005
- Deuraseh & Z. Ahmad, “The Origin of the Medicine ofThe Prophet (a/–Tibb a/–Nabawi)”, Journal of Islamic Perspectives on Science, summer 2005
Books & Chapters
- Zaid Ahmad, “In Quest of Indigenous Epistemology: Some Notes on a Fourteen Century Muslim Scholar lbn KhaIdun {1332-1406) in Bernd Reiter (ed.), (2018), Constructing The Pluriverse: The Geopolitics of Knowledge, Durham & London: Duke University Press
- Zaid Ahmad, {2010) {1st paperback edition), The Epistemology of lbn Kha/dun, London: Routledge Taylor and Francis, {Simultaneously published in the USA and Canada by Routledge New York) (ISBN: 978-0-415-61275-3)
- Zaid Ahmad, (2007) (electronic edition), The Epistemology of lbn Kha/dun, London: Routledge Taylor and Francis, (Simultaneously published in the USA and Canada by Routledge New York) {ISBN: 978-0-203-63389-2)
- Zaid Ahmad, {2003) (1st hardcover edition), The Epistemology of lbn Kha/dun, London: Routledge Taylor and Francis, (Simultaneously published in the USA and Canada by Routledge New York) (ISBN: 978-0-415-30285-2)
- Zaid Ahmad “Muslim Philosophy of History and Historiography” in Aviezer Tucker, 2009, A Companion to The Philosophy of History and Historiography, London and New York: Blackwell Publishers
- Zaid Ahmad “lbn Khaldun’s Approach in Civilisational Studies” in Massimo Campanini, {2005), Studies on lbn Kha/dun, Milan, Italy: Polimetrica International Scientific Publisher
- Zaid Ahmad, ‘lbn Khaldun’ (s.v), in Oliver Leaman (Ed. in chief), (2006), Biographical Encyclopedia of Islamic Philosophy, 2 , London & New York: Thommes Continuum International Publishing Group
- Zaid Ahmad, ‘Sheikh Dawud al-Fatani’ (s.v), in Oliver Leaman (Ed. in chief), {2006 reprinted 2015), Biographical Encyclopedia of Islamic Philosophy, 2 , London & New York: Thommes Continuum International Publishing Group
- Zaid Ahmad, ‘Sheikh Arshad al-Banjari’ (s.v), in Oliver Leaman (Ed. in chief), (2006 reprinted 2015), Biographical Encyclopedia of Islamic Philosophy, 2 , London & New York: Thommes Continuum International Publishing Group
- Zaid Ahmad, ‘Shamsuddin al-Sumatrani’ (s.v), in Oliver Leaman (Ed. in chief), (2006 reprinted 2015), Biographical Encyclopedia of Islamic Philosophy, 2 , London & New York: Thommes Continuum International Publishing Group
- Zaid Ahmad, ‘Haji Abdul Malik Karim Amrullah (HAMKA)’ (s.v), in Oliver Leaman (Ed. in chief), {2006 reprinted 2015), Biographical Encyclopedia of Islamic Philosophy, 2 vols., London & New York: Thommes Continuum International Publishing Group
- Zaid Ahmad, ‘Burhanuddin al-Helmy’ (s.v), in Oliver Leaman (Ed. in chief), (2006 reprinted 2015), Biographical Encyclopedia of Islamic Philosophy, 2 vol, London & New York: Thommes Continuum International Publishing Group
- Zaid Ahmad {ed.) (2017), Hubungan Etnik di Malaysia (4th eds.), Kuala Lumpur: Oxford University Press/Fajar
- Amaluddin Abd Rahmad, Zaid Ahmad, Siti Zaleha, (2017), Waka/ Pendidikan dan Penyelidikan,Serdang: UPM Press
- Zaid Ahmad (ed.) (2016), Kesenian dan Kebudayaan dalam Penyuburan lntegrasi Nasional di Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur: JKKN
- Zaid Ahmad (e), (2010), Hubungan Etnik di Malaysia (2nd eds.), Kuala Lumpur: Oxford University Press/Fajar
- Osman Bakar, Azizan Baharuddin & Zaid Ahmad, (eds.) (2009), Tamadun Islam dan Tamadun Asia {TITAS), Kuala Lumpur: University Malaya Press
- Azizan Baharuddin, Zaid Ahmad, dll, (eds.),(2009), Pemikiran lbn Kha/dun dan Relevansinya dalam Tamadun Kontemporari, Kuala Lumpur: Pusat Dialog Peradaban Universiti Malaya
- Zaid Ahmad, dll, (eds.),(2006), Hubungan Etnik di Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur: Oxford University Press/Fajar
- Jayum Jawan & Zaid Ahmad (ed.), (2006), Inter-Ethnic Relation in Malaysia: Selected Readings, Serdang: Penerbit Universiti Putra Malaysia
- Zaid Ahmad, “Pemerkasaan Seni dan Budaya sebagai Wadah Perpaduan Negara dan lntegrasi Nasional, dim Zaid Ahmad (ed.) (2016), Kesenian dan Kebudayaan dalam Penyuburan lntegrasi Nasional di Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur: JKKN
- Zaid Ahmad, “Kearah Pembentukan Kebudayaan Kebangsaan: lsu Lama Cabaran Baharu” dim Zaid Ahmad (ed.) (2016), Kesenian dan Kebudayaan dalam Penyuburan /ntegrasi Nasional di Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur: JKKN
- Zaid Ahmad & Sarjit ingh Gill, “Budaya dan Hubungan Etnik di Malaysia” dalam Zaid Ahmad dll (eds), (2013), Hubungan Etnik di Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur: Oxford Fajar
- Haslinda Abdullah & Zaid Ahmad, “Hubungan Keluarga dan Kesedaran Agama Dalam Kalangan Belia Berisiko Pelbagai Kaum di Malaysia”, dalam Haslindan Abdullah dll (eds.) (2011), Belia Pewaris Satu Malaysia, Serdang: Penerbit Universiti Putra Malaysia
- Zaid Ahmad & Jayum Jawan, “Muqaddima-i-bir rawabit darun qawmi dar Ma/iziy” (Introduction to Ethnic relations in Malaysia), in Zaid Ahmad & Jayum Jawan, (2012), Rawabit Darun Qawmiy Dar Malizi (in Persian)(Ethnic Relations in Malaysia), Alireza Najafinejad (tr.), Tehran: Rihan Gargan
- Zaid Ahmad, Ridayet az tanu Islam wa hamzisti mazhabi dar Malaiziy bis az istiqlal (The Euphoria of Diversity: Islam and Religious Coexistence in Post Independence Malaysia), in Zaid Ahmad & Jayum Jawan, (2012), Rawabit Darun Qawmiy Dar Malizi (in Persian)(Ethnic Relations in Malaysia), Alireza Najafinejad (tr.), Tehran: Rihan Gargan
- Zaid Ahmad & Ahmad Tarmizi Talib, “Madarai ijtima’I mazhabi: bar rasi tajribah-i-Maliziy”, (Religious Tolerance: The Malaysian Experience) in Zaid Ahmad & Jayum Jawan, (2012), Rawabit Darun Qawmiy Dar Malizi (in Persian)(Ethnic Relations in Malaysia), Alireza Najafinejad (tr.), Tehran: Rihan Gargan
- Zaid Ahmad & Nobaya Ahmad, “Rawabit Malizya-yiha wa Chini-ha” (Ethnic Relations Among the Chinese in Malaysia)in Zaid Ahmad & Jayum Jawan, (2012), Rawabit Darun Qawmiy Dar Malizi (in Persian)(Ethnic Relations in Malaysia), Alireza Najafinejad (tr.), Tehran: Rihan Gargan
- Zaid Ahmad, “The Teaching of Islamic Civilization in Malaysian Universities: Prospects and Challenges” In Osman Bakar, Eric Winkel & Airulamri Amran (eds.), (2011), Contemporary Higher Education Needs in Muslim Countries: Defining the Roles of Islam in 21st Century Higher Education, Kuala Lumpur: International Institute of Advanced Islamic Studies (IAIS}
- Sarah Pourrohani & Zaid Ahmad, “Afghans and Immigration Laws of Iran” in DaryoushPiri et al.,(eds.), (2011), Political and Social Affairs of Iran in New Era, Leipzig: VDM Verlag
- Alireza Najafinejad, Zaid Ahmad, Jayum Jawan, “Conflicting Approaches on Human Rights in Iran”, in FakhreddinSoltani (ed.} (2011), Political Affairs of Contemporary Iran after the Islamic Revolution, Leipzig: VDM Verlag
- Ahmad Tarmizi Talib, Zaid Ahmad dll, “Program Latihan Khidmat Negara (PLKN) Sebagai Wadah Pembentukan Pewaris Bangsa” dim Haslinda Abdullah, dll, (2011), Belia Pewaris 1 Malaysia, Serdang: Penerbit Universiti Putra Malaysia
- Haslinda Abdullah & Zaid Ahmad, “Keluarga dan Kesedaran Agama dalam Kalangan Belia Berisiko di Malaysia” dim Haslinda Abdullah, dll, (2011), Belia Pewaris 1 Malaysia, Serdang: Penerbit Universiti Putra Malaysia
- Zaid Ahmad, “Pengenalan Hubungan Etnik di Malaysia Secara Umum, dim Zaid Ahmad (ed.), (2010), Hubungan Etnik di Malaysia (Edisi Kedua), Kuala Lumpur: Oxford Fajar
- Zaid Ahmad, “Hubungan Etnik, lntegrasi dan Cabaran Global” dim Zaid Ahmad (ed.), (2010), Hubungan Etnik di Malaysia (Edisi Kedua), Kuala Lumpur: Oxford Fajar
- Zaid Ahmad, Haslinda Abdullah & Nobaya Ahmad, ‘Globalisasi, Urbanisasi dan Perubahan Nilai: Gejala ‘Mat Rempit’ di Malaysia’ dim Haslinda Abdullah dll (2009), Belia dan Pembangunan Modal lnsan, Serdang: Penerbit Universiti Putra Malaysia
- Zaid Ahmad & Haslinda Abdullah, ‘Pengaruh lklim Terhadap Sifat Manusia: Suatu Catatan dari Muqaddimah lbn Khaldun’ dim Azizan Baharuddin, Zaid Ahmad, dll, (2009),Pemikiran lbn Kha/dun dan Relevansinya dalam Tamadun Kontemporari, Kuala Lumpur: Pusat Dialog Peradaban Universiti Malaya
- Zaid Ahmad, “Ke arah Pembinaan Tamadun Malaysia: Kepentingan dan Relevansi Kursus Tamadun Islam dan Tamadun Asia (TITAS) di IPT dim Hashim Ismail & Raihanah Abdullah (eds) (2009), Permuafakatan dan Kerukunan Teras Peradaban Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur: Akademi Pengajian Melayu dan Pusat Dialog Peradaban Universiti Malaya
- Zaid Ahmad, Haslinda Abdullah & Nobaya Ahmad (ed.), ‘Globalisasi, Urbanisasi dan Perubahan Nilai: Gejala ‘Mat Rempit’ di Malaysia’ dim Haslinda Abdullah dll (2009), Belia dan Pembangunan Modal lnsan, Serdang: Penerbit Universiti Putra Malaysia
- Zaid Ahmad & Haslinda Abdullah (2008), Buku Kerja Program lntegrasi KEBUDAYAAN, penerbit JLKN & Kementerian Pertahanan Malaysia
- Zaid Ahmad, “Cabaran Hubungan Etnik di Malaysia dan Global dim Zaid Ahmad, dll, (2007), Hubungan Etnik di Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur: Oxford Fajar
- Nobaya Ahmad & Zaid Ahmad,”A Study of Malay-Chinese Relations”, in Jayum A. Jawan & Zaid Ahmad (ed.), (2006), Inter-Ethnic Relation in Malaysia: Selected Readings, Serdang: Penerbit Universiti Putra Malaysia
- Sri Rahayu Ismail, Haslinda Abdullah & Zaid Ahmad “Dimensi Psikologi dalam Hubungan Etnik” dim Jayum Jawan & Zaid Ahmad (ed.), (2006), Inter-Ethnic Relation in Malaysia: Selected Readings, Serdang: Penerbit Universiti Putra Malaysia
- Zaid Ahmad, Pluralisme dan Dialog Peradaban: Meninjau Sudut Pandangan Islam” dim Jayum A. Jawan & Zaid Ahmad (ed.) (2006), Inter-Ethnic Relation in Malaysia: Selected Readings, Serdang: Penerbit Universiti Putra Malaysia
- Sri Rahayu Ismail, Ahmad Tarmizi Talib, “E-Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran TITAS: Pengalaman Universiti Putra Malaysia” dim lnovasi Pengajaran-Pembe/ajaran TITAS, Mohd Syariefuddin Abdullah, dll (eds.), Tanjung Malim: Penerbit Universiti Perguruan Sultan Idris, 2005
- Zaid Ahmad, “The Euphoria of Diversity: Islam and Religious Coexistence in Post Independence Malaysia” in Yaacob Harun (ed.), Malaysia: Papers on Development, Religion and Politics, Wellington: Chair of Malay Studies Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand, 2003
- Jayum Jawan, Zaid Ahmad, “Globalisation: Responses from Rural East Malaysia” in Suwit Laohasiriwong & David J.H Blake, Social Transformation and Conflict in Southeast Asia, Swedish International Development and Cooperation Agency Southeast Asian Conflict Studies Network, Institute for Dispute Resolution, Khon Kaeng University, Thailand, 2003
Research Based Books
- Kok Kean Hin, Ruhizan Mohammad Yasin, Latifah Amin. Bioteknologi dan Pendekatan Interdisiplin STEM. 2020. Penerbit UKM. 219p.
- Siti Fairuz Sujak & Latifah Amin. 2017. Bioteknologi Moden Tumbuhan Menurut Perspektif Islam. Penerbit UKM. 216p.
- Hasrizul Hashim & Latifah Amin. 2017. Biobank, Sel Stem dan Masyarakat. Penerbit UKM.
- Nur Syarizad Rusly & Latifah Amin. 2016. Biokeselamatan dan Masyarakat Malaysia. Penerbit UKM
Chapters in book
- Latifah Amin & Hasrizul Hashim. 2016. Understanding the factors influencing attitudes toward genetically modified rice. Dlm Watson R.R. & Preedy, V.R. (Eds) Genetically modified organisms in food: production, safety, regulation and public health. pp. 75-85. Elsevier: London.
- Brian Trench, Massimiano Bucchi, Latifah Amin, Gultekin Cakmakci, Bankole Falade, Arko Olesk and Carmelo Polino. Global Spread of Science Communication: Institutions and Practices Across Continents. In Massimiano Bucchi and Brian Trench (Eds). Routledge Handbook of Public Communication of Science and Technology. London: Routledge (Taylor and Francis). pp. 214-230. ISBN 9780415834612.
No |
Matric |
Name of Students and Title of Thesis |
Role |
Status |
Year |
1. |
GS06116 |
Badrane Benlahcene A Meta–theoretical Study of Malek Bennabi’s Approach To Civilisation |
Chairman |
Graduated |
2004 |
2. |
GS10047 |
Aqeel Norri Mohammed The Interaction and Relationship Between Patriarchy and Religion |
Co- supervisor |
Graduated |
2005 |
3. |
GS09530 |
Wan Ariffin Wan Ahmad Sosialisasi Dan Budaya Politik Ke/as Menengah Melayu Di Shah Alam, Se/angor Darul Ehsan |
Co- supervisor |
Graduated |
2005 |
(Socialization and The Middle Class Malay Political |
4. |
GS11448 |
Culture in Shah Alam Selangor Darul Ehsan) Hossein Alekajbaf |
Co- |
Graduated |
2005 |
The Perceptions And Knowledge On The |
supervisor |
5. |
GS15559 |
Effectiveness Of Local Government In Iran Mohd. Ridhuan Tee bin Abdullah |
Co- |
Graduated |
2008 |
Persepsi Pe/ajar Cina Di lnstitusi Pengajian Tinggi Terhadap Gerakan Politik Umno |
supervisor |
7. |
GS20539 |
Masoumeh Radgoudarzi Ayatollah Khomeini’s Thoughts On Islamic Government Nurullah Pasha Zanoosi |
Co- supervisor
Chairman |
Graduated |
2009 |
Globalisation in Everyday Life of Iranian High School |
Students |
8. |
GS18477 |
Bahman Kazemi Democratization in Iran 1900-1979 |
Chairman |
Graduated |
2010 |
9. |
GS18439 |
Fakhreddin Soltani Perspective Of George W. Bush on United States |
Co- supervisor |
Graduated |
2011 |
10. |
GS18701 |
Security After September 11 Azman Yusof |
Chairman |
Graduated |
2012 |
Teori Kenegaraan Raja Ali Haji da/am Thamarat al- |
Muhimmah (Raja Ali Haji’s Theory of State in |
- GS15946
- GS19489
- GS21885
- GS16781
- GS18904
- GS25216
- GS25055
- GS21015
- GS21256
- GS20539
- GS30500
- GS16110
- GS29728
- GS18500
- GS29209
- GS29660
- GS29642
Pemerintahan Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, 2004- 2014
- GS39164 AI-Azharri Siddiq Kamunri Co- Graduated 2018
Pengaruh Patriotisme Dalam Kalangan Etnik Supervisor
Minoriti Bugis Sabah
- GS35839 Azhar Ahmad Co- Graduated 2018
Hegemoni Soeharto Terhadap Gerakan Pe/ajar Di Supervisor
Indonesia, 1966-1998
- GS37397 Nur Ayuni Musa Chairman Graduated 2019
Tahaluf Siyasi Parti Islam Sema/aysia Dalam Politik Malaysia Dari Tahun 1973-2015
- GS30425 Mat Ali Hassan Co- Graduated 2019
Birokrasi Dan Oligarki Politik Di Malaysia Dan Supervisor
Indonesia, 1966-2013
- GS40494 Glenda Filiprada Co- Graduated 2019
Comparative Analysis Of Government Policies In Supervisor
Small Claims Cases In Indonesia, Malaysia And The Philippines
- GS34889 Hossein Taghdar Chairman Graduated 2019
The Arab Spring and The Egypt-United Stated of America’s Relations in Post-Revolution Era
- GS32178 Nafisah Bt llham Hussin Chairman Graduated 2019
Pemerdagangan Manusia (Pe/acuran) Dan lsu Kelonggaran Visa Serta Kesannya Ke Atas Keselamatan Negara (Human Trafficking (Prostitution) and its Impact on National Security)
- GS35226 Asmidar Lokman Co Graduated 2020
Factors Influencing Inclination Towards Bribery Supervisor
Among Lower Rank Officers In The Malaysian Immigration Department
- GS30066 Mahfudzah Bt Mustafa Chairman Ongoing
Ketakakuran Sivil dan Pendemokrasian Di Malaysia
1. GS03492 |
Hamzeh Ismail Ibrahim Abu Shariah, Jordan’s National Security Under King Hussein |
Co- Supervisor |
Graduated |
2002 |
2. GS11879 |
Asharil Suhardi Abdullah, Perhiburan Subbudaya Punk di Kalangan Remaja |
Chairman |
Graduated |
2005 |
Melayu Kuala Lumpur |
3. GS09399 |
Ibrahim Rifqi Bafagih, Pluralisme Agama Menurut a/–Quran (Religious |
Chairman |
Graduated |
2005 |
Pluralism in the Quran) |
4. GS11671 |
Arnold Puyok, The Understanding, Perception and Receptiveness |
Chairman |
Graduated |
2005 |
of Globalization Amongst Rural East Malaysians |
5. GS12062 |
Mohd Sabri Md. Nor, Persepsi dan Pemahaman Masyarakat Luar Bandar |
Co- supervisor |
Graduated |
2005 |
Semenanjung Malaysia Terhadap Proses G/obalisasi
- GS08008 Youcef Nacer, Co- Graduated 2005
Economic Dependency and Political Change in supervisor
- GS09731 MD Salleh Md Said Co- Graduated 2005
Pola Pengundian Masyarakat Bajau Dalam Politik Supervisor
Sabah Dari Tahun 1963 Hingga 2004
- GS09556 Babikir El-Siddiq Muhammad El-Amin, Co- Graduated 2006
The Importance of The Nile in Relations Between supervisor
Sudan, Egypt and Ethiopia 1956-2002
- GS12434
- GS25056
- GS25052
- GS34418
- GS22280
- GS33071
- GS30689
- GS27451
- GS27213
- GS32190
- GS29343
- GS27184
- GS24897
22. GS31052 |
Abubakar Mohammed |
Chairman |
Graduated |
2016 |
23. GS35037 |
Women Political Participation in Nigeria Aminuddin Md Hanafiah |
Co- |
Graduated |
2016 |
Peranan Masyarakat Sivil Dalam Transformasi Politik Malaysia |
Supervisor |
24. GS34562 |
lhemeje Chidiebere Chinweuba Godswealth Executive-Legislative Relationship In Nigeria, The |
Chairman |
Graduated |
2017 |
Impact On Political Development |
25. GS32957 |
Miss Aboyade Opeyeme Sit-Tight Syndrome: Issues and Problems of Political |
Chairman |
Graduated |
2018 |
Renewal in Nigeria |
26. GS41246 |
Onyewuchi Chinedu Onyenachi Political Participation Of Youth In The Nigerian |
Chairman |
Graduated |
2018 |
National Assembly |
27. GS51584 |
Mohd Faizal Shamsuddin Pemerintahan Jokowi Dan lmpaknya Terhadap |
Chairman |
Ongoing |
28. GS50376 |
Pembangunan Sosiopolitik Indonesia, 2014-2019 Mohammad Nazri Daud Politik Pengundi Muda Dalam Pilihan Raya Umum |
Chairman |
Ongoing |
2008 Dan 2013 |