Prospectus of Graduate Studies


Institute of Islam Hadhari offers graduate studies programs (Master Degree & Doctor of Philosophy) in Islamic Civilization based on research in four core areas and specializations as follows:

      1. Politics and Leadership.
      2. Socio-Culture.
      3. Management, Economics and Business. 
      4. Science & Technology, Health and Environment.

The framework of the above thrust areas is integrated in all fields wherein is found the principle of Islam Hadhari Approach as outlined by the Government of Malaysia, namely:

      1. Faithful and obedience to Allah.
      2. A just and trustworthy Government.
      3. Citizens with independent spirit.
      4. Mastery of knowledge.
      5. Balanced and comprehensive economic development.
      6. High quality life.
      7. Rights protection for women and minority groups.
      8. Moral and cultural integrity.
      9. Conservation of nature and environment.
      10. Strength of defence

Programs Offered

Full-time and part-time programs are offered for the following studies:

      • Master Degree in Islamic Civilization.
      • Doctor of Philosophy 

Forms Of Program

      • Master Degree in Islamic Civilization – Thesis (by research mode only)
      • Doctor of Philosophy – Thesis (by research mode only)

Admission Qualifications / Requirements

Master Degree
Bachelor Degree recognised by the Government of Malaysia in a field related to the program applied for with a Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) of at least 3.00 or equivalent qualification;or

Bachelor Degree recognised by the Government of Malaysia, in a related field, with a Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) of at least 2.75 and with at least one year working experience in a related field;or

Bachelor Degree recognised by the Government of Malaysia in a related field with a Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) of at least 2.50, and at least 3 years working experience in a related field.


Doctor of Philosophy
A Master’s degree in any suitable field with minimum CGPA of 3.00 from any university or higher learning institution recognized by UKM;or

A Master’s degree in any suitable field with minimum CGPA of 2.75 from any university or higher learning institution recognized by UKM and has at least 2 years working experience


Duration Of Study

Program Full-Time Part-time
Master Degree 4 to 6 semesters 6 to 8 semesters
Doctor of Philosophy 6 to 12 semesters 8 to 14 semesters

Course Fees

Master Program Registration (A) Service & Activity (B) Tuition Fees (C)

1st Semester


Subsequent semesters (E=B+C)

Total fees

(*min semesters)

Local 1,010 845 1,335 3,190 2,180 9,730
International 1,410 1,085 3,000 5,495 4,085 17,750
Local 885 625 1,085 2,595 1,710 11,145
International 1,285 815 2,400 4,500 3,215 20,575


PHD Program Registration (A) Service & Activity (B) Tuition Fees (C)

1st Semester


Subsequent semesters (E=B+C)

Total fees

(*min semesters)

Local 1,010 745 1,735 3,490 2,480 15,890
International 1,710 985 3,900 6,595 4,885 31,020
Local 885 525 1,535 2,945 2,060 17,365
International 1,585 715 3,100 5,400 3,815 32,105

*All Values are in MYR-Malaysian Ringgit

*All fees are subjected to changes

Required Coursework

The studies offered require students to attend courses conducted by the Institute of Hadhari Islam (HADHARI)/and Graduate Management Centre (PPS) or any institute/faculty as elective, to enhance theoretical knowledge including research and writing skills. For the Master Program, students are required to complete 6 course units, and for Doctoral students, 8 course units. The details are as follows:

Program Course Units
Master Degree *Research Methodology – Social Science (compulsory) 4
  **Islamic Civilization RHRH6012 (compulsory) 2
  Total 6


Program Course Units
Doctor of Philosophy *Research Methodology – Social Science (compulsory) 4
  **Islamic Civilization RHRH6012(compulsory) 2
  1 appropriate course from any institute/faculty 2
  Total 8

*Research Methodology Course offered by Graduate Management Centre or appropriate course offered by any faculty/ institute.
** Course RHRH6012 Islamic Civilization offered by HADHARI is a compulsory course for students registered at the institute, and elective course for student from another institute/faculty.


Requirement For The Degree Awarded

Every candidate (Master and Doctoral) is required to fulfill the following conditions during the program to qualify for the award of the degree:

  1. Present a research proposal in the 1st or 2nd semester.
  2. Present initial research findings, after the 2nd semester.
  3. Fulfill the condition of paper work presentation related to the thesis in seminar (including graduate colloquium organized by Institute of Islam Hadhari, UKM) in or outside UKM. The details of the conditions are as follows:
    • For Master candidate: Two (2) paper works presentation
    • For Doctoral candidate: Three (3) paper works presentation (enforced on candidate registered starting Semester 1 2011/2012)
  4. Fulfill writing paper conditions as follows:

For Master candidate: Minimum of  one (1) article from any of the following categories:

  1. Journal ERA/Scopus/WoS;
  2. UKM Publication Journal and faculty/institute or listed in MyJurnal (Malaysian Journal Management System) from MyCite;
  3. Chapter in Book published by listed Publication in Thomson Reuters WoS atau UKM Publication or MAPIM.


For Doctoral candidate: Two (2) articles in journal indexed by Scopus/WoS; OR minimum of one (1) journal Scopus/WoS AND one (1) article from the following categories:

  1. UKM Publication Journal and faculty/institute or listed in MyJurnal (Malaysian Journal Management System) from MyCite;
  2. Chapter in Book published by listed Publication in Thomson Reuters WoS atau UKM Publication or MAPIM.


Language Requirement for Graduation

(Applicable for International Applicants Only)

  1. a) A minimum score of 42-45 in TOEFL IBT; or
    b) A minimum score of 5 in IELTS; and
    c) Pass in Bahasa Melayu course offered by Center of General Studies

Candidates, who do not fulfil the above requirements during the period of study allowed, will not be awarded the degree.


Fellowship (Zamalah)

UKM offers financial assistance in the form of a fellowship scheme which is limited to only students who qualify. Applications for the zamalah scheme may be made directly to the Graduate Management Centre (PPS).


Application For Admission

Applications are open throughout the year and may be made online or by filling up forms obtainable from the following address:

Pusat Pengurusan Siswazah (PPS/Graduate Management Centre),
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia,
43600 UKM Bangi,
Selangor Darul Ehsan,

For further information on Graduate Studies, please contact:

Senior Assistant Registrar / Penolong Pendaftar Kanan
Institute of Islam Hadhari (HADHARI)
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
43600 UKM Bangi
Selangor Darul Ehsan
Tel: +603-8921 6991
Faks: +603-8921 6990





Institute of Islam Hadhari offers graduate studies programs (Master Degree & Doctor of Philosophy) in Islamic Civilization based on research in four core areas and specializations as follows:


      1. Politics and Leadership.
      2. Socio-Culture.
      3. Economics and Business.
      4. Science & Technology, Health and Environment.


The framework of the above thrust areas is integrated in all fields wherein is found the principle of Islam Hadhari Approach as outlined by the Government of Malaysia, namely:


      1. Faithful and obedience to Allah.
      2. A just and trustworthy Government.
      3. Citizens with independent spirit.
      4. Mastery of knowledge.
      5. Balanced and comprehensive economic development.
      6. High quality life.
      7. Rights protection for women and minority groups.
      8. Moral and cultural integrity.
      9. Conservation of nature and environment.
      10. Strength of defence


Programs Offered


Full-time and part-time programs are offered for the following studies:


      • Master Degree in Islamic Civilization.
      • Doctor of Philosophy in Islamic Civilization


Forms Of Program


      • Master Degree in Islamic Civilization – Thesis (by research mode only)
      • Doctor of Philosophy – Thesis (by research mode only)


Admission Qualifications / Requirements


Master Degree
Bachelor Degree recognised by the Government of Malaysia in a field related to the program applied for with a Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) of at least 3.00 or equivalent qualification;or


Bachelor Degree recognised by the Government of Malaysia, in a related field, with a Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) of at least 2.75 and with at least one year working experience in a related field;or


Bachelor Degree recognised by the Government of Malaysia in a related field with a Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) of at least 2.50, and at least 3 years working experience in a related field.


Doctor of Philosophy
A Master’s degree in any suitable field with minimum CGPA of 3.00 from any university or higher learning institution recognized by UKM;or


A Master’s degree in any suitable field with minimum CGPA of 2.75 from any university or higher learning institution recognized by UKM and has at least 2 years working experience


Duration Of Study


Program Full-Time Part-time
Master Degree 4 to 6 semesters 6 to 8 semesters
Doctor of Philosophy 6 to 12 semesters 8 to 14 semesters



 Course Fees

Master Program Registration (A) Service & Activity (B) Tuition Fees (C)

1st Semester


Subsequent semesters (E=B+C)

Total fees

(*min semesters)

Local 1,010 845 1,335 3,190 2,180 9,730
International 1,410 1,085 3,000 5,495 4,085 17,750
Local 885 625 1,085 2,595 1,710 11,145
International 1,285 815 2,400 4,500 3,215 20,575


PHD Program Registration (A) Service & Activity (B) Tuition Fees (C)

1st Semester


Subsequent semesters (E=B+C)

Total fees

(*min semesters)

Local 1,010 745 1,735 3,490 2,480 15,890
International 1,710 985 3,900 6,595 4,885 31,020
Local 885 525 1,535 2,945 2,060 17,365
International 1,585 715 3,100 5,400 3,815 32,105

 *All Values are in MYR-Malaysian Ringgit

 *All fees are subjected to changes


Required Coursework


The studies offered require students to attend courses conducted by the Institute of Hadhari Islam (HADHARI)/and Graduate Management Centre (PPS) or any institute/faculty as elective, to enhance theoretical knowledge including research and writing skills. For the Master Program, students are required to complete 6 course units, and for Doctoral students, 8 course units. The details are as follows:

Program Course Units
Master Degree *Research Methodology – Social Science (compulsory) 4
  **Islamic Civilization RHRH6012 (compulsory) 2
  Total 6


Program Course Units
Doctor of Philosophy *Research Methodology – Social Science (compulsory) 4
  **Islamic Civilization RHRH6012(compulsory) 2
  1 appropriate course from any institute/faculty 2
  Total 8

 *Research Methodology Course offered by Graduate Management Centre or appropriate course offered by any faculty/ institute.
** Course RHRH6012 Islamic Civilization offered by HADHARI is a compulsory course for students registered at the institute, and elective course for student from another institute/faculty.

Requirement For The Degree Awarded

Every candidate (Master and Doctoral) is required to fulfill the following conditions during the program to qualify for the award of the degree:


  1. Present a research proposal in the 1st or 2nd semester.
  2. Present initial research findings, after the 2nd semester.
  3. Fulfill the condition of paper work presentation related to the thesis in seminar (including graduate colloquium organized by Institute of Islam Hadhari, UKM) in or outside UKM. The details of the conditions are as follows:
    • For Master candidate: Two (2) paper works presentation
    • For Doctoral candidate: Three (3) paper works presentation (enforced on candidate registered starting Semester 1 2011/2012)
  4. Fulfill writing paper conditions as follows:


For Master candidate: Minimum of  one (1) article from any of the following categories:


  1. Journal ERA/Scopus/WoS;
  2. UKM Publication Journal and faculty/institute or listed in MyJurnal (Malaysian Journal Management System) from MyCite;
  3. Chapter in Book published by listed Publication in Thomson Reuters WoS atau UKM Publication or MAPIM.


For Doctoral candidate: Two (2) articles in journal indexed by Scopus/WoS; OR minimum of one (1) journal Scopus/WoS AND one (1) article from the following categories:


  1. UKM Publication Journal and faculty/institute or listed in MyJurnal (Malaysian Journal Management System) from MyCite;
  2. Chapter in Book published by listed Publication in Thomson Reuters WoS atau UKM Publication or MAPIM.


Language Requirement for Graduation


(Applicable for International Applicants Only)


  1. a) A minimum score of 550 in TOEFL; or
    b) A minimum score of 5.0 in IELTS; and
    c) Pass in Bahasa Melayu course offered by Center of General Studies


International students who do not meet the above English language requirement are required to sit for an English Language Competency Module (MKB) offered by the Graduate Management Centre (PPS) with the following conditions:


  1. a) Achieve a minimum of Band 4 for thesis writing in English language
    b) Achieve a minimum of Band 3 for thesis writing in another language


Candidates, who do not fulfil the above requirements during the period of study allowed, will not be awarded the degree.


Fellowship (Zamalah)


UKM offers financial assistance in the form of a fellowship scheme which is limited to only students who qualify. Applications for the zamalah scheme may be made directly to the Graduate Management Centre (PPS).


Application For Admission


Applications are open throughout the year and may be made online or by filling up forms obtainable from the following address:


Pusat Pengurusan Siswazah (PPS/Graduate Management Centre),
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia,
43600 UKM Bangi,
Selangor Darul Ehsan,


For further information on Graduate Studies, please contact:


Senior Manager / Pengurus Kanan
Institute of Islam Hadhari (HADHARI)
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
43600 UKM Bangi
Selangor Darul Ehsan
Tel: +603-8921 6991
Faks: +603-8921 6990