Seminar on Scholars of Islamic Civilization (SSIC 2023)

Download Zoom Background HereDownload Programme Book HEREAlhamdulillah, the 3rd Seminar on Scholars of Islamic Civilization (SSIC 2023) has been held successfully on 24-25th May 2023 whereby Minister in Department of Prime Minister (Religious and Affair), Senator...

Detailed Commentary On The Holy Book

Detailed Commentary On The Holy Book

DETAILED COMMENTARY ON THE HOLY BOOK   The Imam Bukhari International Scientific Research Center under the Cabinet of Ministers held the presentation of the Uzbek commentary of the book "Sahih al-Bukhari" of Imam Bukhari in cooperation with the Muslim Board of...

Seminar on Scholars of Islamic Civilization (SSIC 2022)

Seminar on Scholars of Islamic Civilization (SSIC 2022)

Download Zoom Background Here Download Programme Book HERE Institute of Islam Hadhari, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM), in collaboration with the  International Islamic Academy of Uzbekistan; Religious Affairs under the Cabinet of Ministers of the...