Alhamdulillah, on 29th May 2024, Delegation from Institute of Islam Hadhari, UKM has made our first delegation visit to Tashkent State University of Oriental Studies and we were welcomed by Abdullayev Nodir Abdulkhayevich; Vice-rector for International Cooperation, Bultakhov Ikram; Head of Faculty of Eastern Philology and Translation Studies, Khodjimuratova Dilshoda Sunnatillaevna; Head of International Cooperation Department, Achilova Makhliyo; Teacher of Malaysian studies / Interpreter and respective officer.
Our delegation lead by Director and Deputy Director of Institute of Islam Hadhari UKM; Prof. Datoβ Dr. Fariza Md Sham FASc and Assoc. Prof. Ir. Dr. Nazrul Anuar Nayan respectively, followed by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Adawiyah Ismail, Ts. Dr. Farah Ayuni Mohd Hatta, Dr. Norshariani Abdul Rahman, Mr. Mohammad Ikhwan Ismail, Pn Noor Hayati Ahmad Rasol, officer and students started the visit with tour given around the gallery and the wall of acknowledgement/info/history which gave us a lot of input regarding the history of the department and university itself.
A lot of points have been discussed during the meeting especially in students exchange program, Research collaboration and attachment, Module and support in enhancing Malay Language department in TSUOS.
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