Hadhari Activities

Wacana Hadhari Bil 1/2020

Wacana Hadhari Bil 1/2020 Alhamdulillah, today on 12th March 2020, Hadhari Discourse Series.1/2020 has been successfully held at Canselori UKM. Due to overwhelming response and registration from participants, we had to move from Bilik Majlis to Bilik Mesyuarat Senat...

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Wacana Hadhari Bil 4/2019

Wacana Hadhari Bil 4/2019 Institute of Islam Hadhari (Institute of Islamic Civilization), Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) is an active and experienced research institute in organizing lectures, forums, seminars and conferences at national and international...

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Bengkel Penerbitan Tesis Ke Buku

Bengkel Penerbitan Tesis ke Buku or known as Thesis to Book Publication Workshop has been held on 3rd December 2019 in main meeting room at Institute of Islam Hadhari.The workshop aims to help postgraduate to understand the process of publishing a book

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