Associate Senior Fellow
Line of Expertise: Human Resources Management
PhD (Murdoch), MPA (UM), BA (Hons) (USM)
Universiti Sains Malaysia, B.A. (Hons) Humanities 1984
Universiti Malaya, Master of Public Administration 1992
Murdoch University (Australia), PhD (Business) 2005
Current Position:
Office No.: 03-8921 5911
Email: azisma12@ukm.edu.my / azisma08@gmail.com
List of Journal Publications:
Year 2016
(1) Nurshahira Ibrahim, Fariza Md Sham, Azman Ismail. 2016. Gaya Kepimpinan Islam satu proses transformasi dalam organisasi. Reflektika- Jurnal Keislaman IDIA Prenduan, 43-58.
(2) Siti Salwa Salim, Azman Ismail. 2016. Effect of performance-based pay on employees` outcomes. Journal of Entrepreneurship and Business, 30-41.
(3) Nurshahira Ibrahim, Azman Ismail, Munirah HanimYusuf, Siti Ngayesah Ab. Hamid. 2016. Role of Transformational Leadership in Enhancing Followers` Psychological Empowerment. Journal of Entrepreneurship and Business, 42-53.
(4) Azman Ismail, Noor Azmi Mohd Zainol, Nursaadatun Nisak. 2016. Program pembangunan kepimpinan meningkatkan pemindahan latihan dalam Tentera Darat Malaysia: Kajian empirikal. Jurnal Pengurusan, 149-161.
(5) Azman Ismail, Nor`ain Abdullah, Najihah Omar. 2016. Amalan komunikasi mentor membangunkan keyakinan diri menti. Jurnal Personalia Pelajar, 49-57.
(6) Azman Ismail, Norain Abdullah, Najihah Omar. 2016. Amalan komunikasi mentor membangunkan keyakinan diri menti. Jurnal Personalia Pelajar, 49-57.
(7) Azman Ismail, Mohd Ridwan Abd Razak. 2016. Effect of job satisfaction on organizational commitment. Management and Marketing, 25-40.
(8) Azman Ismail, Mohd Ridwan Abd Razak. 2016. Job satisfaction as a determinant of organizational commitment. Journal of Contemporary Issues and Thought, 10-18.
(9) Azman Ismail, Wan Aishah Wan Mohd Nowalid, Rizal Abu Bakar. 2016. Proactive behavior as a mediator of the relationship between career management and career satisfaction. Jurnal Pengurusan, 1-19.
(10) Azman Ismail, Yusrizal Sufardi Mohd Yunan. 2016. Service quality as a predictor of customer satisfaction and customer loyalty. Log Forum, 269-283.
(11) Azman Azan Ridzuan, Azman Ismail, Juraimy Hj Kadir, Zamri Ismail. 2016. The relationship between service quality and behavioural intention. INTAN Management Journal, 5-75.
(12) Zainol N.A.M., Ghani A.B.A., Ismail A., Yaacob S., Subhan M., Joarder M.H.R., , 2016. The mediating effects of training motivation on assignment methods and transfer of training: The Malaysian context , International Business Management , 329-333.
(13) Nur Izzaty Mohamad, Azman Ismail, Nuruk Muna Mohamad, Sholihien Ahmad, Zulkefli Yahya. 2016. Role ambiguity and role overload as important predictors of work-family conflict, Humaniora Journal, 473-483.
(14) Nur Izzaty Mohamad, Azman Ismail, Zulkefli Aini,Sholihien Ahmad, Nurul Muna Mohamad, Zulkifli Yahya. 2016. Dimensi tekanan kerja sebagai peramal terhadap konflik keluarga pekerja. Al Qimah Al Mudhafah The Journal of Management and Science (ALQIMAH), 1-15.
(15) Kim Hua Tan, Mohd Helmi Ali, Zafir Mohd Makhbul & Azman Ismail. 2017. The Impact of External Integration on Halal Food Integrity , Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 186-199. (WOS Q1).
(16) Azman Ismail, Yusniati Ishak, Munirah Hanim Yusuf. 2016. Human-oriented leadership and organizational commitment in us subsidiary company based in Sarawak. Binus Business Review, 233-239.
(17) Azman Ismail, Nursaadatun Nisak Ahmad, Azmi Zainol. 2016. Managerial Coaching Enhancing Employees` Motivation. Acta Universitatis Danubius. Oeconomica, 98-112.
(18) Azman Ismail, Mohd Ridwan Abd Razak. 2016. A study on job satisfaction as a determinant of job motivation. Acta Universitatis Danubius. Oeconomica, 30-44.
(19) Azman Ismail, Ilyani Ranlan Rose, Nur Afiqah Foboy. 2016. Service quality as an antecedent in enhancing customers` behavioral intentions: A case study of Malaysian army medical centers, Geografia Online: Malaysian Journal of Society and Space, 179-190.
(20) Azman Ismail, Mohd Ridwan Abd Razak. 2016. Performance-based reward administration as an antecedent of job satisfaction: A case study of Malaysia`s fire and rescue agencies, Geografia Online: Malaysian Journal of Society and Space, 107-118.
(21) Azman Ismail, Nur Asilah Kithuru Mohamed, Mohamad Rahmad Rayee. 2016. Relationship between performance appraisal communication, procedural justice and job satisfaction. Geografia online: Malaysian Journal of Society and Space, 15-26.
(22) Ismail A., Zainol N.A.M., Ahmad N.N. 2016, Leadership development program enhances training transfer in Malaysian armed forces: Empirical evidence. Jurnal Pengurusan , 1-7.
(23) Noor Azmi Mohd zainol, Ahmad Bashawir Abdul Ghani, Azman Ismail, Safar Yaacob, Muhammad Subhan and Muhammad Hasanul Raihan Joarder. 2016. The mediating effect of training motivation on assignment methods and transfer of training: The Malaysian context, International Business Management, 329-333.
Year 2017
(1) Noor Azmi Mohd Zainol, Ahmad Azan Ridzuan, Azman Ismail. 2017. Testing the Mediating Effect of Training Motivation in the Military Training Program. Adv. Sci. Lett. , 2934-2937.
(2) Azman Ismail, Ilyani Ranlan Rose, Rabaah Tudin, Norazryana Mat Dawi. 2017. Relationship between service quality and behavioral intentions: The mediating effect of customer satisfaction , Etikonomi, 125-144.
(3) Azman Ismail, Eddy Madiono Sutanto. 2017, Non-ISI, Linking administrators` role in career programs to proactive behavior as a determinant of employees` promotion opportunities , JMK , 5-15 , Elektronik
(4) Azman Ismail, Eddy Madiona Stanto. 2017. Linking administrators` role in career programs to proactive behavior as a determinant of employees` promotion opportunities. Jurnal Manajemen dan Kewirausahaan, 5-15.
(5) Azman Ismail, Noor Azmi Mohd Zainol, Nursaadtun Nisak. 2017. The administration of leadership training programs. LogForum, 465-477.
(6) Azman Ismail, Mohd Ridwan Abd Razak. 2017. Performance-based reward administration enhancing employees` feelings of interactional justice. Studies in Business and Economics, 5-18.
(7) Azman Ismail, Mohd Ridwan Abd Razak. 2017. Performance-based reward administration enhancing employees` feelings of interactional justice. Studies in Business and Economics, 5-18.
(8) Azman Ismail, Mohd Ridwan Abd Razak. 2017. Performance-based reward administration enhancing employees` feelings of interactional justice. Studies in Business and Economics, 5-18.
(9) Azman Ismail, Mohd Ridwan Abd Razak. 2017. Performance-based reward administration enhancing employees` feelings of interactional justice. Studies in Business and Economics, 5-18.
(10) Azman Ismail, Mohd Ridwan Abd Razak. 2017. Performance-based reward administration enhancing employees` feelings of interactional justice. Studies in Business and Economics, 5-18.
(11) Azman Ismail, Mohd Ridwan Abd Razak. 2017. Performance-based reward administration enhancing employees` feelings of interactional justice. Studies in Business and Economics, 5-18.
(12) Azman Ismail, Mohd Ridwan Abd Razak. 2017. Performance-based reward administration enhancing employees` feelings of interactional justice. Studies in Business and Economics, 5-18.
(13) Azman Ismail, Mohd Ridwan Abd Razak. 2017. Performance-based reward administration enhancing employees` feelings of interactional justice. Studies in Business and Economics, 5-18.
(14) Azman Ismail, Mohd Ridwan Abd Razak. 2017. Performance-based reward administration enhancing employees` feelings of interactional justice. Studies in Business and Economics, 5-18.
(15) Azman Ismail, Mohd Ridwan Abd Razak. 2017. Managers` role in performance-based reward enhancing employees` feelings of procedural justice. Kinerja, 145-159.
(16) Azman Ismail, Hidayati Ernida Hassan Azahari. 2017. Students` personal factors as a determinant of entrepreneurial intention. Jurnal Personalia Pelajar, 23-28.
(17) Wan Aishah Wan Mohd Nowalid, Azman Ismail, Khairul Anwar @ Johari Mastor, Razaleigh Muhamat @ Kawangit, Raja Rizal Iskandar Raja Hisham. 2017. Peranan Pengurusan Dalam Membangunkan Kerjaya Pekerja di Institusi Agama Islam di Negeri Sembilan dan Kuala Lumpur: Satu Analisis Kualitatif. Jurnal Hadhari, 75-89.
(18) Azman Ismail, Wan Aishah Wan Mohd Nowalid, Azmawaty Mohamad Nor. 2017. Career administration as a determinant of proactive behavior, Economic Review- Journal of Economics and Business, 7-17.
(19) Nursaadatun Nisak Ahmad, Azman Ismail. Ida Rosnita Ismail. 2017. The roles of employees coaching towards employee outcomes. Social and Management Research Journal, 14(2), 71-88
(20) Azman Ismail, Najihah Omar, Nor Ain Abdullah. 2017. Mentoring communication practices and their relationship with study performance. Jurnal Personalia Pelajar, 49-57.
Year 2018
(1) Umi Hamidoton Moh Suffian Lee, Azman Ismail, Nurul Shahida Ahmad Sanusi. 2018. Ethical climate as a determinant of organizational commitment. International Journal of Asian Social Science, Asian Economic and Social Society, 8(8), 534-539.
(2) Mohd Ridwan Abd Razak, Azman Ismail, Enah Ali. 2018. Performance based pay as a determinant of procedure justice. Journal of Contemporary Issues and Thought, 8,19-28.
(3) Yusniati Ishak, Azman Ismail, Anis Anisah Abdullah, Asyakireen Samsudin, Kartina Rahayu Mohamed. 2018. Mediation of dyadic relationship on dyadic relationship between leaders and followers with personal outcomes. East Asian Journal of Business Management, 8 (4), 29-35.
(4) Azman Ismail, Wan Aishah Wan Mohd Nowalid, Raja Rizal Iskandar Raja Hisham. 2018. Tingkah laku proaktif meningkatkan kejayaan kerjaya pekerja. Sains Humanika, 10(2), 53–63.
(5) Mohd Ridwan Abd Razak, Azman Ismail. 2018. The mediating effects of procedural justice on the relationship between performance-based remuneration management and job satisfaction. Jurnal Pengurusan/Journal of Management, 52, 85-101.
(6) Nursaadatun Nisak Ahmad, Azman Ismail, Ida Rosnita Ismail, Nir Zarina Mohd Salim, Izamayani Sa’adin. 2018. The roles of managerial coaching, employees’ self-efficacy and employees development in the public sector. The Turkish Online Journal of Design, Art and Communication (Special Edition), 2726-2734.
(7) Azman Ismail, Anis Anisah Abdullah, Umi Hamidaton Mohd Suffian Lee, Nur Izzaty Mohamad, Nurul Inani Ibrahim. 2018. Administrators’ roles in training programs. Binus Business Review, 9(1), 71-78.
(8) Azman Ismail, Lai Wei Sieng, Nur Safina Mohd Raduan, Nur Asilah Kithuru Mohamed. 2018. Relationship between managers’ motives in performance appraisal. Journal of Research and Practice in Public Sector Accounting and Management, 89-103.
(9) Alvianny Voo Nyuk Chong @Albertus, Umi Hamidaton Mohd Suffian Lee, Azman Ismail, Zaleha Yazid, Nursaadatun Nisak Ahmad. 2018. Person oriented leadership enhancing employee outcomes. Journal of Research and Practice in Public Sector Accounting and Management, 105-121.
(10) Azman Ismail, Nurul Afiqah Foboy, Rendika Nugraha, Adhi Setyo Santoso, Azmawaty Mohamad Nor. 2018. Effect of managers’ communication on training application with motivation to learn as an intervening variable, The South East Asian Journal of Management,12(2), 123-143.
(11) Azman Ismail, Nurhayati Abd Rahman, Sulaiman Mohammed Khalid. 2018. Menilai kesan kualiti interaksi terhadap kepuasan pelanggan di kafetaria kolej kediaman UKM. Journal of Quality Measurement and Analysis, 14(2), 67-80.
(12) Azman Ismail, Hidayati Ernida Hassan Azahari, Saida Farhanah Sarkam. 2018. Social factors enhancing. Jurnal Personalia Pelajar, 21(1): 89-94.
(13) Yusniati Ishak, Azman Ismail, Asyakireen Shamsudin, Umi Hamidaton Mohd Soffian Lee, Mohd Helmi Ali. 2018. Human-oriented leadership and encouragement to perform work: modelling organizational attachment as mediator. Jurnal Pengurusan, 54, 1-18.
(14) Mohd Helmi Ali, Azman Ismail. 2018. Guest Editorial , International Journal of Business and Management Science. , http://www.safaworld.org/ijbms/Necdoc/Guest%20Editorial.pdf.
(15) Asyakireen Samsudin, Umi Hamidaton, Soffian Lee, Yusniati Ishak, Azman Ismail, Suzana Muhamad Said, Azmawaty Mohamad Nor. 2018. Affective organizational commitment as a mediating. International Journal of Business and Management Science, 8(2), 213-239.
(18) Nurshahira Ibrahim, Mohammad Hafeez Md Ramli, Azman Ismail. 2018. Peranan kepimpinan transformasi terhadap pemerkasaan psikologi dan kepuasan kerja. Politeknik & Kolej Komuniti Journal of Life Long Learning, 3(2), 75-87.
(19) Azman Ismail, Nik Malini Nik Mahdi, Norazila Mat, Mohd Helmi Ali & Nur Alia Atiqah Mohd Ali. 2018. Administration of the merit pay systems enhancing work outcomes. Asian Journal of Accounting and Governance, 9, 99–109.
(20) Azman Ismail, Azmawaty Mohamad Nor, Wan Aishah Wan Mohd Nowalid, Anis Anisah Abdullah. 2018. Career administration, proactive behavior and career satisfaction: a mediating relationship. International Journal of Business and Management Science (IJBMS), 8(3), 511-533.
(21) Azman Ismail, Wan Aishah Wan Mohd Nowalid. 2018. The role of career development tool in enhancing proactive behavior. KINERJA, 22(1), 1-14
Year 2019
(1) Mohd Ridwan Abd Razak, Azman Ismail, Enah Ali & Azmawaty Mohamad Nor. Perhubungan di Antara Komunikasi Tentang Ganjaran Berasaskan Prestasi, Keadilan Interaksi dan Komitmen Organisasi (Relationship between Communications about Performance based Reward, Interactional Fairness and Organizational Commitment), Asian Journal of Accounting and Governance 11, 1-15.
(2) Azman Ismail, Nurul Afiqah Foboy, Azmawaty Mohamad Nor & Anis Anisah Abdullah. 2019. Training management as an antecedent of training transfer. Journal of Nusantara Studies, 4(1), 136-158.
(3) Asyakireen Samsudin, Azman Ismail. 2019. The impact of Supervisor Support towards Extra-Role Behavior. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), 8(4), 5109-5133.