i-SIHAT 2024

 Nurturing Global Wellness: Towards Flourishing Sustainable Health

Welcoming Note

Greetings to all!!

Faculty of Health Sciences of Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia will host i-sihat 2024 on September 4 and 5 2024. This biennial international conference with a theme of ‘Nurturing Global Wellness: Towards Flourishing Sustainable Health’. This event will bring together researchers, practitioners, researchers, and advocates from around the world to engage in a vital dialogue about the future of global health and wellness.

In an era where the interconnectedness of our global community has never been more apparent, the need to foster sustainable health practices is critical. Our theme reflects the holistic approach required to address the multifaceted challenges we face, from the environmental impacts on health to the socio-economic determinants of well-being.

Throughout this conference, we will explore innovative strategies, share groundbreaking research, and discuss actionable steps to create a healthier and more sustainable world. Our sessions will cover a broad spectrum of topics, including the role of technology in health, the importance of mental well-being, the impact of climate change on public health, and the pursuit of equitable healthcare for all.

We hope this conference will catalyze change, inspiring collaborations and initiatives that will advance global wellness. Together, we can chart a course toward a future where health and sustainability are not just goals but realities for all.

Thank you for joining us in this important endeavor. We look forward to your contributions and to the meaningful conversations that will shape our collective journey toward flourishing sustainable health. 

Associate Professor Dr Khairol Osman

i-SIHAT 2024 Chairperson