i-SIHAT 2024

 Nurturing Global Wellness: Towards Flourishing Sustainable Health

Instruction for presenters

Guidelines for Oral Presentation

After receiving confirmation of abstract acceptance, the presenters should prepare for their oral presentation. Please read the guidelines carefully below:

    • During the conference, all oral presentations must be made on a PC using a Windows operating system (PC will be provided by the secretariat)
    • The total allocated time for each presentation is 15 minutes, with a strict limit of 7-10 minutes for the presentation itself and 5 minutes for Q&A
    • There is no specific template for presentations; participants may use their preferred format
    • Presenters must adhere to the time limits, as they will be assessed by judges
    • Presentation slides must be uploaded to the specified link (as provided in your acceptance email) by September 2, 2024
    • The technical team will download all presentation slides on September 3, 2024.
    • All speakers are required to review their presentations on the PC preview desk within the session room at least 20 minutes before their scheduled presentation.
    • Speakers must be seated in the front row of the session room at least 10 minutes before the session begins.

Terms & Conditions

  1. All applications must be the original work of those making the submission.
  2. An abstract must be submitted before the deadline to be eligible for the poster competition.
  3. The poster is required to be printed by the presenter (double-sided tape will be given on the conference day).
  4. Poster is required to be placed on the board by 8am on Day 1 and taken down by 10 am on Day 2.
  5. Poster evaluation will be conducted on Day 1 between 8.30 to 4.00pm.
  6. All decisions are final.

Poster Preparation Guideline

Please prepare the poster with the following information:
  1. ​Title of Project
  2. List of authors including corresponding author & Institution
  3. Introduction/Background
  4. Problem Statement
  5. Objectives
  6. Materials/Method
  7. Novelty​
  8. Significant/benefit/contribution of the study
  9. Conclusion
  10. References
  11. Person in charge contact details (to be contacted for any inquiries)

The poster must be in A1 size, and portrait orientation.

Guideline for Poster Presentation