Persidangan iCitra

 Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia

All participants are welcomed to download the
Proceedings Booklet and Certificate in the download page

Everyone Is Welcome To Join Us As Non Presenting Participant

Participants will get an e-certificate and access to all conference sessions and e-proceedings.

" Mastery of multidisciplinary and inter-disciplinary skills and competencies..."

Higher Education in the 21st century that hinges upon technology advancement calls for the mastery of multidisciplinary and inter-disciplinary skills and competencies.

As an institution at the forefront of multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary education, Citra UKM organizes this conference to bring together researchers from the academia, research institutions and industry to advance the knowledge frontiers, experiences and expertise in the field of Liberal studies.  The conference also provides excellent opportunities for networking and research collaborations

Who Should Attend

Presentation Format

Oral Paper Presentation

Poster Pitching

How to Join Us?

1st Step
Register an account

Click on "Registration & Submission" menu above, create your participant account and complete all the details.

2nd Step
Submit Your Abstract

Login to your Dashboard and make a submission via abstract submission system.

3rd Step
Review & Acceptance

Your abstract will be reviewed and if accepted, you will received notification email from us with details of payment.

4th Step
Extended Abstract Submission & Payment

Upon receiving the notification of acceptance, you are required to upload extended abstract and proof of payment within time frame given. Please refer "Important Dates" menu for more details